Chapter Forty: Aftermath

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     "Coming here? What do you mean they are coming here?" asked Tyler worriedly. Sitting on the couch in the living room, the calm serenity of winter out the window did not match Tyler's veneer.

     Gideon Reese, on the other hand, sat composed across from him, nursing a glass of scotch as he stared at the raging fire in the hearth. It seemed that the news didn't bother him the least as much as Tyler did. And that irritated him.

     "My boss. They're arriving later tonight," said Reese with a calm voice. "I've already sent them a coded message that I received theirs, and admitted that there had been an incident here in the facility. Their response was less than amicable, unfortunately, so they're coming here."

     "You reported it? Why on earth would you do that? Don't you know that Aiden's in here?" Tyler raised his voice.

     Reese scrunched his brows and closed his eyes. "Of course I knew that, Tyler. I decided to save my breath from lying. No use in that, anyway," he said, calmer than the last.

     Tyler sank deep on the couch in a huff and crossed his arms. "How many did you say are coming?"

     "Everett Shaw and at least three hundred armed men. They're expecting a fight. It seemed they realized what the breach is for."

     "They know about Aiden?" Tyler gasped.

     "They suspect. They know it was a rogue Android that caused the massacre, and that was enough to send them running here. Who else are making rogue Androids around?" Reese smiled cheekily.

     Tyler grumbled. The government.

     "Nevertheless, I still tried to explain to them the facility is back in our control, but the decision to bring them in is up to Shaw. As I expected, he saw through me."

     "These men--they're US soldiers, am I right?"

     Reese shook his head. "No. It's SynTech's very own security force. Some of them stemmed from other third-party providers and private military force like Lienholder or Arthos Company."

     "So, who leaked it? The breach?"

     "A lowly guard no doubt hired by Shaw and sent to spy on us. He's dead. Iago saw to that. I can't even properly identify him due to how Iago butchered him."

     "So, he doesn't know about Aiden yet, then."

     "Like I said, he suspects, which makes going forward delicate."

     Tyler went quiet. He didn't know what else to say or think. For one thing, Shaw was coming to the facility. Reese's facility. Last time Reese mentioned, Android Makers rarely visited each other's jurisdiction. Though given the casualty report that Echo made, SynTech was in damage control, and Reese's neck was around a noose slowly tightening. He might be composed, but Tyler could see he was flailing behind the facade.

     At least they still didn't know about Aiden, Tyler thought, hoping it would keep his fears and worry at bay.

     Reese gulped down his scotch in one swig. He then got up from the couch and sauntered over toward the trolley filled with a variety of hard liquor. He refilled his scotch.

     Reese sighed, said, "Fifty-seven dead. Four wounded. The facility in lockdown until vouched after an extensive--and shall I say--a brutal, scrutinizing investigation. All I can say is that we're on a tight leash. I am breathing by the neck. It's a nightmare. I couldn't possibly explain to them how fifty-seven of my staff ended up dead. God, their families..."

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