Real Person Fiction

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How to write a real person Fanfiction
by rhythmwithlove

You might have been spurred on by some gorgeous eyes, tousled hair and that one magnificent way they drawl into a microphone and now you want to spend more time marvelling at their ways by writing it down glorious detail by glorious detail.
Writing a real person Fanfiction is like writing any other Fanfiction, it is essentially a fictional story, but with an actual, real life person, someone who REALLY EXISTS IN THE SAME DIMENSION AS YOU. WOAH.
So, here are five of my tips that I believe will help you get started. Let's begin!


The first step to writing any story is knowing your characters, and believe it or not, writing a real person Fanfiction makes life even easier. How you ask? Well, you already have a character! You have your muse.
The selection process is quite simple, which idol of yours are you currently head over heels in love with? Have you had dreams of going out on a date with them? Meeting them for the first time on the street? Are you SURE they are someone you want to write an entire book about?
If so, it will be like receiving a starter package. You have a whole person; complete with emotions, traits, looks, personality, hobbies, life experiences, etc. You can stop worrying about writing a character with gaps in their personality, at least for a little while, and give your energy to plotting a great story instead.

Authors spend a good part of the planning and plotting stage trying to develop new characters, scrolling through every single baby name page on the internet to find a good name, making lists of characteristics and quirks then adding up their crushes birthday with their birthday to give their character a birthday...I wish I was kidding.
Whenever someone asks me how to kickstart getting into the process of writing lengthy stories, I recommend they start with a real person Fanfiction because if you are new to writing novels, like I was when I first joined Wattpad, having inspiration to draw from makes the process a little less daunting. You only need to write the story in your head and put it out into the world to read. It is the beauty of Fanfiction and the beauty of the platform that Wattpad offers.


Sometimes, depending on the kind of story you write, you will have to change things up a little. Integrating the real person and your actual character requires a bit of questioning and second guessing.
Here are some important questions to ask yourself:

1. Which personality traits are you going to keep? Which ones are you going to change? And which might be pivotal to one of your plots? Are they funny or boring? What are they easily angered by and are they easy to laugh?
Write all the answers down and keep them with you in a place that is easily accessible to you. When I was writing my debut story called Never Enough, I occasionally found myself having to go back and re-read because I was a newbie and had made the mistake of not planning ahead or making a list. It led to my character initially being in very emotionally choppy waters, sometimes angrier or happier in a way that is exceptionally unusual to his character.
Thoroughly knowing what characteristics, emotions and reactions you want to use and keeping them constant is important to writing a cohesive story and will help you remain organised and keep you from going insane.

2. Physical characteristics are important too. The colour of their eyes, hair, skin. Have they got bone structure given only to them by the heavens? How do they talk, walk, and wield their charisma? Do you wish your favourite real life actor had dyed their hair red instead of black? Do they have piercings and tattoos that you want your character to have as well? Make it happen! You're in control now.

3. Do a bit of research. (Unless of course you're a Fangirl then you already know everything there is to know. Hell hath no fury like a Fangirl who is told she doesn't know something about her idol.) For example, is the real life person you have chosen to write about an activist for mental illness or something else that is equally important? Talk about it, develop on it. What things about their lives journey has inspired you? Weave these details into the story when necessary to give the readers a more in depth and personal read into the characters personality.

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