Chapter 9- Belle

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I set the last bit of food on the table that Dalen had told me to put it on. I moved a hand across my forehead and looked at the food that was laid out. Pride filled my body because I was happy that I had been able to do what I liked to do.

The door opened, and I looked at the door to see Dalen looking at me. "Are you ready for hungry Wolves?" he asked, and I smiled and nodded.

"Ya, I guess," I said. I nodded to the table where I had laid out the plates. "Plates are right there. I do not know if you all are going to use them or not."

"Well, are you?" Dalen asked, and I smiled and nodded. "We'll use them. What about drinks?"

I looked and blushed. "I... didn't know what or how you all were going to drink. I did make lemonade and found some other drinks, but I didn't know what cups to grab."

"I can show you if you want," Dalen said. "His Majesty is almost here. I do not know if you want to face him, yet."

I shrugged my shoulder. "It'd be best to get the cups first. There are going to be some Wolves that want to get something to drink."

Dalen nodded his head. "Come on, let's get you the cups." He looked me up and down and frowned. "He might want you to look a little more presentable than..." He gestured to my clothing.

I looked down to see that I was covered almost head to toe in flour and whatever else I had made. "Ya... and I don't think I have time to take a proper shower."

Dalen nodded his head. "Go," he said. "I will get someone to help me get the cups."

I nodded my head and started to go through the kitchen to put the apron up. I paused and looked at the male wolf to see him eyeing the chocolate cake. "Do not touch," I warned. "Or else, I will carry out my threat."

Dalen's eyes became wide, and he nodded his head.

I smiled at him before turning around and running towards my room with Pippa on my tails. I hoped no one would stop me because I needed to make sure that everything was for the king.


"And where do you think you are going?" the voice of the king said, and I stopped and looked in his direction.

I bowed my head and cleared my throat. "The room that you had given me, Your Majesty. I am going to be changing and cleaning myself up if His Majesty allows me to continue on my way there."

The king narrowed his eyes at me and scowled. "Why?" he asked.

"I am covered in flour and other stuff that I had used to cook the food for everyone," I replied. "I made sure to clean while I cooked, so the kitchen isn't as bad looking as I am."

"You don't look that bad," he mumbled. "You look beautiful."

"Pardon?" I asked, not sure that I had heard him right. I could feel my neck start to heat up as a blush started to take over my face. I had no idea why he had said that I was beautiful because I knew that I wasn't.

The king cleared his throat and looked away. He seemed not to have wanted to say that out loud, but he did. "Wear a dress," he said.

"Of course, Your Majesty," I said, bowing my head.

"And please stop doing that. You don't need to bow, not to anyone."

"Yes, Your Majesty," I replied, stopping myself from bowing. "Is there anything else?"

"No, you are dismissed."

I nodded my head and ran towards my room. My mind played with his words, and a grinned appeared on my face.

He thought I was beautiful. The hard-headed king thought that I was beautiful. 


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