Chapter 17

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Yujin's POV

"Did you put them up to this?" I accused.

"Surprisingly, no." Jungkook admitted. "But I'm not at all against it."

I groaned, sliding down the length of the door to sit on the floor, my arms hanging over my knees. I took a glance at the older guy, scowling at his smug expression. "Stop enjoying this."

He cheekily smirked. "Oh, I'm just getting started, doll."

"Seriously, why do you call me that? I told you my name so long ago."

Jungkook took a seat on the floor opposite me, his back against the dryer, as he extended his legs out. His toes just reached mine. He shrugged. "I didn't know what to call you at first, then I guess it just stuck." He paused. "Plus, I think you like it."

My eyebrows furrowed. "What the hell makes you say that?"

"You never say anything against it anymore."

I exhaled heavily. "That's what I like to call: giving up. It was pointless arguing about it when I knew you wouldn't stop."

He simply shrugged again.

It was silent for a moment, that conversation clearly going nowhere. "I'm thirsty," I stated when feeling the discomfort in my throat.

Jungkook looked around for a moment before pointing to his left. "There's some bleach over there."

My expression dropped to one of unamusement. "Ha-ha." I sarcastically drawled.

"But you were pretty thirsty earlier, huh? Didn't know you could swallow like that." He sent a suggestive look my way, an emotion I couldn't decipher swimming in his dark eyes, besides amusement. I choked on air.

"Where did you say the bleach was?"

Jungkook burst out laughing at my statement, breaking his prior seductive aura. I took a breath. "I'm just messing with you."

"You're seriously giving me whiplash with all these personality shifts." I informed him.

He ran a hand through his hair, arrogantly quoting me from earlier, "It is what it is."

Again, silence took over the small room as we both just stared out, him at his toes while my gaze lingered on my knees. I cleared my throat and decided to take initiative, not particularly enjoying the awkward environment. 

"Thank you." I uttered. Jungkook flicked his head up, cocking it slightly to the side in wonder. I elaborated, "For hearing me out in the hot tub that night. It meant a lot to me."

Jungkook's expression softened and his lips quirked up into a half-smile. "You shouldn't have to go through that type of stuff alone. Or at all, honestly. I'm sorry your folks are so tough on you."

I pursed my lips. "Can't be helped, I guess."

He bit his lip in thought before speaking. "Why don't you talk to anyone about it? I doubt I would've been your first choice for people to confide in."

I paused, pondering for only a moment. "It's not that there isn't anyone there for me. Despite what you may think, my brother and I are very close. It's just," I sighed, "he's so busy and I don't want to pester him with my problems. He has enough on his plate. Plus, others have it so much worse, I don't believe I have the right to complain."

Jungkook's focus never left me as I spoke. His eyes traced every inch of my face in fascination. When our gazes matched, his eyes penetrated into mine and practically dove into my soul with how intense they were. "You're amazing." He quietly breathed, barely audible, so I questioned if he even really spoke the words.

"What was that?" I asked to affirm whether he did.

"Nothing." He quickly dismissed, shaking his head. I tucked my lower lip behind my teeth as he continued, "You shouldn't leave your problems in the dark. I'm sure if you're both as close as you claim he wouldn't mind helping you out, especially when you have such a burden on your shoulders. You deserve as much." Jungkook's eyes momentarily widened at the end of his statement, he seemed surprised at his words, but he quickly wiped the shock from his face.

My cheeks tinted and I was grateful for the lack of light so he couldn't perceive my flustered state. I did not expect him to say such a thing, nor for him to think of me in such a way. My heart fluttered at his words. "Thank you, Jungkook." I murmured meaningfully.

He smiled hearing me speak his name, which was something I didn't often do. Jungkook lied down on the floor, tucking his palms behind his head as he let out a sigh. "Well, we might as well get comfy for the night, doll. What do you say?"

I nodded an agreement, shuffling on the floor to lay beside him. I turned onto my side to face him, his warmth radiating off of his body onto mine due to the close proximity. I could smell the musk of his cologne and the scent appealed deeply to my senses. He also angled himself to face me, our stares locked.

Jungkook closed his eyes, which I took as a sign of him wanting to sleep. I didn't bother him, it'd been a long day and it was late in the night for us to be up early tomorrow, but I didn't shut my eyes. Instead, I found my gaze wandering all over his face.

I admired the way his nose and chin were sculpted to perfection, the flawlessness of his skin almost unfair. His bottom lip was plump, plumper than his top lip which would disappear whenever his bunny smile made an appearance. A warmth spread through my chest at the picture of it imagined in my head. From this close, I took notice to the tiny mole just below his lip, which only added to his appeal and attractiveness tenfold.

He was beautiful.

His dyed hair gently fell over his forehead, looking as soft as feathers. Unintentionally, my hand found its way to his head, my fingers playing with the ends of his touseled hair. For some reason, I never stopped myself; not when I caught myself staring and not when I so obviously breached his personal space. I pulled my hand back, suddenly feeling confused by my actions.

Jungkook groaned, peeking one eye open to look at me. His dark eye, once menacing, was clouded over with an unfamiliar emotion. "Keep doing that." He softly requested.

I was too shocked discovering that he, in fact, hadn't been asleep during this time to have his request puzzle me. I simply obliged, my hand automatically finding its way to comfortably rest atop his head.

Jungkook's eyes returned shut as I ran my fingers through his rosey locks, my heart pounding against my chest when he shuffled closer to me, the lengths of our legs now running against each other. It felt like silk gliding through my fingers, his hair, and as I continued to comb it he let out a gentle moan. Not a provocative one, but one of content and ease, and one that made my heart swell.

I wasn't sure when, but at some point soon after I had drifted into a peaceful slumber, the view of the confusing man being the last thing my eyes glimpsed before they shut.


this chap might lowkey be boring and i'm so sorry

school's been back for a little and i have sm on my plate on top of work and im stressed but im still trying to update often bc i love this story and all of you <3

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