snakes, toddlers, and planes

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I woke up and yawned. I went to move my arms but they were trapped. I looked down at my arms and saw two massive tree trunks wrapped around me.

Suddenly, the sun didn't bother me because my eyes were wide open. I slowly cocked my head backwards to see Noah's sleepy face laid against the pillow. His mouth was slightly open and his cheeks were squished by the pillow.

How the fuck did I end up here?

I slowly removed Noah's arm from my body and climbed out of bed. I felt the cold air hit my legs, seeing that I wasn't wearing any pants. I looked down at mt chest and I was obviously not wearing a bra either. I lifted my shirt up to check to see if I was wearing my underwear. Luckily, they were intact.

But did I have sex with Noah Centineo last night?

I walked over to the mirror to look at the disaster before me. My curled hair from last night was now just a tangled frizzball. I grabbed the ponytail from off my wrist and put it up, hoping it would lessen the damage. Then my headache surfaced. I rubbed my temples, hoping to cure the throbbing pain, but it would not cease. I looked around Noah's counter, instantly finding ibuprofen. I popped two pills and drank water from the faucet. I wiped the water off my chin and looked at my face in the mirror.

Did look any different? Was it true that you looked and felt different after sex?

I didn't feel any pain or uncomfort in my nether regions, I noticed. I wasn't sure but how in the hell did I end up in Noah's room, half naked?

I decided to take a shower. I looked at Noah, hoping he wasn't awake yet. I wasn't ready to face him after not being able to recall almost anything from last night.

I took off Noah's shirt that smelled like him along with my thong. I quietly closed the partion to the bathroom, giving me some privacy.

The warm water stopped the throbbing temporarily but my hangover wasn't my biggest problem. I had slept over with Noah last night. I remembered being at the club, chugging shots and then Noah and his friends showed up. That was it.

What if I did something stupid or idiotic? Or maybe I made a complete fool of myself? I knew that I got crazy when I was hammered like that, I couldn't imagine what I had done around Noah.

Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body, letting my wet hair air dry. I closed the shower door and didn't hear any movement outside the partion.

'Noah's probably still asleep.' I thought. I pulled the partion back, and to my suprise, Noah was awake and sitting up. Noah rubbed his eyes and looked at me, giving me a smile.

"Hey," He said, leaning back on his arms.

"Hey..." I said, awkwardly trying to cover as much of my body as I could.

"You can wear one of my shirts again if you want so you don't have to wear your clothes from last night." He suggested, pointing to his suitcase.

"Thanks." I said, awkwardly grabbing his hoodie and sweatpants from his suitcase.

" be honest, I don't remember last night." I said, closing the partion between us and dropping my towel.

"Yeah, I figured." I heard him laugh.
"What did I do...?" I asked, dreading the answer. "Nothing, uh... too crazy." He lied.

"C'mon, tell me the truth." I said, pulling the sweatpants on my body.

"Well you tried to seduce me but I said no because you were drunk and then you puked in the toilet." He said, matter-of-factly.

I sighed. Of course I did, why wouldnt I? That's my fucking luck.

"God, Noah, I'm so sorry." I said, not ready to open the partion and face him.

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