Chapter 26: Mastermind

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Hey everyone! We're here with more plot. So stay tuned to find out who instigated this mess~

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Translated by Minodayz

Edited by Ely

TLC-ed by Irisu


Dramatic as it is, the two lovers (Su Yue and Ming Xuan) remind me of star-crossed lovers like the Tanabata Festival in Japan where the lovers can't meet but once  a year on the 7th day of the 7th month

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Dramatic as it is, the two lovers (Su Yue and Ming Xuan) remind me of star-crossed lovers like the Tanabata Festival in Japan where the lovers can't meet but once  a year on the 7th day of the 7th month.

While sitting in a parked car in front of the doorstep of her villa, the man was suddenly immersed in his own bliss. And, it wasn't until the car door opened and she got out, with the sun shining down on the crown of her head, that his reverie was broken.

It wasn't quite noon yet, and this beautiful day had only just began, how could he have said to his lady 'See you tomorrow'?

Then again, he lifted his head and glanced at the villa next door; even though he was a little frustrated, it was enough to suppress a heart that was brimming with happiness.

Based on Jin'er's temperament, for her to articulate those words, it really goes without saying that she had been moved by him. As for the rest.... He could take it slow. After all, he had waited all these years, how could he begrudge waiting a little more?

However, the issue of finding the mastermind behind this whole debacle, he would have to look into it rather closely.

Just as he opened the door, a car came to a stop behind him.

"Boss!" A slightly rough and boorish male voice called out from inside the car, then a man wearing black rimmed costume glasses got out.

He looked to be around thirty years old, wearing a nondescript black suit. His features were regular but he had a pair of narrow eyes. They gleamed with astuteness, shrewd and incisive, carrying an aura of someone who wasn't easy to get along with.

There was hardly a match between his rough boorish voice and his looks.

"Xiao An'zi has arrived." Lu Xi jovially gave him a smile.

Qin An raised his brows slightly. He did not mind how Lu Xi had addressed him because after all, he had been Lu Xi's assistant for a long time and their relationship was rather good. So the occasional teasing banter was nothing to speak off, however, the young master seemed like he was in a good mood today?

Most outsiders would say that of the two Lu Family's sons, the first son Lu Jing was quiet and cold as ice while the second son Lu Xi was mild and gentle as jade. However, only those who had been with them and dealt with them for a long time would know that these two were very capable of masking their feelings, be it joy or fury. They were lords at suppressing all their emotions deep down.

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