11. Of Monsters and Men

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"Found your lost photo rolls?" Tilda asked Mason while they walked, well, trudged through the forest, everyone still shaken from their brief yet intimidating encounter with the skull crawler, to put it lightly. To put it very  lightly. 

The blonde shook her head.  

"Hmm," Tilda hummed thoughtfully. Where could they have gone? Then she called to the rest of the group, "Hey everyone, Mason's missing her rolls of film. Has anybody seen them?"

Everyone either shook their heads or mumbled a negative response. Tilda eyed Philip. Poor Marlow just looked confused.

"So either they're lost, or someone took them and isn't owning up to it," she told Mason.

"But why would they want my pictures?"

"Well you've captured a lot of fascinating stuff."

"True, but..." She turned to look at their companions. Tilda knew what she was thinking - who here would steal them?

"Maybe someone took them while we were asleep."

But still, but again, who here would do such a thing?

"There's water close by," James updated from the front of the group, noting some small mushrooms growing on a log. "Wait here, I've got to get to higher ground to find the river." He turned to his fellow tracker.  "Lance, keep an eye on these civilians."

Philip said nothing, only nodded. 

Still wary about him, Tilda turned to Marlow.  "Keep an eye out, Mr. Marlow."

He tipped his cap to her.  "Always."

"Hey! I'm coming too," Mason called after James, moving to catch up to his long strides.

"Not without the cover of a weapon you're not." Tilda followed close behind as well, having to run to catch up to them. Always the anti-war activist, Mason had continued to opt for her camera instead of a weapon, even despite knowing the dangers that lay out there now, and even with the skull crawler encounter lingering so close in their memory and still chilling them to the core.

James continued to lead them through the forest and up a hillside, more like a mountain. 

"Tell you what," Tilda said, breathing heavily as they climbed upward.  "If we somehow manage to make it out of here alive, I'll buy you a drink as well."

This made James chuckle. "Deal.  Sounds like a plan."

The three helped each other to the top.  From here, they had a perfect view of the river snaking silver in the moonlight through the valley below.

"There she is."

"The boat must be around that bend." James nodded outward, beyond the heavy night fog. 

But they weren't alone here, as became suddenly clear. 

Mason grasped Tilda's wrist tightly as a hulking figure began to take shape through the thick mist-


The great creature stood directly in front of them, blocking their view of the river, towering over them. The three sucked in a collective breath. Suddenly Tilda wished for more camouflaged clothing. 

Mason was the first to step forward.

"Mason!" Now it was Tilda's turn to grab her wrist.

"It's okay," the blonde assured her, continuing forward. She reached out and Kong allowed her to do so. He even allowed her to go so far as placing her hand gently on his nose. He closed his eyes and looked peaceful.

He didn't perceive them as the threat because they weren't threatening him and his land. He saw and knew that they meant no harm. 

A sudden burst of flame in the darkness far beyond caught theirs, and Kong's, attention.

"Oh no," hissed Tilda, sucking in a deep breath.

"Packard," cried James. 

If the soldiers were trying to get Kong's attention, it worked. The giant ape growled and turned away from the trio, making his way towards where the flame burned against the peaceful darkness.

"He's in danger," Tilda cried. 

"Yes, we need to go, now!" James turned and fled as fast as he could down the hillside, the ladies right at his heels.

"Don't shoot!" he cried when they returned to their group. "You need to get back to the boat. It's that way. Wait for us until dawn, if we're not back by then, just go. Lance, make sure these civilians get back safely."

"What about you?" asked Brooks. 

"We're going to save Kong."

Marlow stood.  "Not without me, Pal."

(The next few chapters will probably be a bit shorter because of the way I want to divide the rest of the story up.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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