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10. Newly discovered feelings

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Fury vibrated through my being as I watched that filthy bastard take advantage of Violet's helplessness. My feet moved on their own and I gripped his neck from behind before he could move any further, yanking him away from her.

His face paled at my sight. He knew he didn't stand a chance in front of me but he still tried. Well, he earned what happened to him next. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if I said he won't be walking straight for a week.

When I was done with him, he was whimpering in pain; his ribs were probably broken and his mouth was blood-stained. His face was probably going to bruise badly with the number of punches he had received.

My vision turned blurry with rage as I recalled the way he was kissing her. Clenching my jaw, I turned my eyes to Violet.

"Are you completely brainless? What the hell are you doing here alone? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?" I yelled at her but my words got caught in my throat when I witnessed a lone tear leaving her eye and flowing down her flawless skin. My heart clenched when she dropped her head to hide her tears and the need to comfort her overwhelmed me.

After much thinking, I finally approached her and patted her shoulder. It was awkward for me as I didn't know how to deal with a crying girl. I never cared enough.

I didn't have to do anything else as she launched herself at me and hugged me tightly. Soft, muffled whimpers left her mouth as her hold tightened around me.

Not knowing what to do, I stood there awkwardly and waited for her to calm down. After a few minutes, she distanced herself from me and rubbed her eyes with her cute, little hands.

Cute? Am I drunk already?

"S- sorry for ruining your shirt," she mumbled and I lowered my head to look at the spot she was looking at. There were glittery mascara blotches and stains of her red lipstick on my crisp, black shirt.

"It's ok," I said in a low voice.

"Thank God, you are alright." The voice came from behind me. Angling my neck, I found Alessandro, Daniel and Caleb running towards us.

As they took in her swollen face and red nose, their face scrunched in confusion.

Daniel moved to her and engulfed her in a tight hug. I had no idea why but I suddenly felt annoyed. The annoyance turned to anger when she returned his hug with equal zeal.

Forcing my eyes away from them, I coughed loudly and they both jerked apart.

"Take her home, Alessandro," I ordered and turned my attention to the other two.

"And you two, follow me," I said and trekked towards the car parking.

As Alessandro's car moved out of my sight, I turned towards Caleb.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?" I screamed, barely controlling my anger.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he said with a blank face.

"You brought her to this party. A party full of mafia men and gangsters. They have noticed her face. You have endangered her for her whole life," I lowered my voice so that nobody could hear us.


"Shut the fuck up. They have watched us all taking to her. Now they know she is somehow related to us."

"I didn't think about it," Caleb said, lowering his face. I controlled the urge to punch him. He is my brother but right now, he had committed a grave mistake.

Sliding into the driver's seat of my car, I faced Daniel who was standing beside the guilt-ridden Caleb.

"Tell her she can't move out of the mansion for now. Due to someone's stupidity, we have to keep her under our protection," I spat and drove the car past them.

The image of a certain blonde with big, blue eyes flashed in my mind and I groaned in irritation.


Waking up the next morning, I winced as pain shot through my knuckles. Ignoring the pain, I took a relaxing shower and changed into casual clothes. Deciding to stay at home today, I walked out of my room and made my way to the kitchen.

Soft, romantic music reached my ears as I stepped into the kitchen. My eyes found the small figure of Violet slowly swaying her hips with the music. Her back was towards me. She didn't notice me coming in because she was engrossed in cutting some vegetables.

As much as I wanted to look away, I couldn't. The shirt she had on was accentuating her perfect curves and the way she was swaying her hips was making my thoughts hazy. Her blonde hair was pulled into a pony-tail with a few locks grazing the soft curve of her neck. My hands itched to touch her. Walking at a slow pace, I stopped right behind her.

As she realized my presence behind her, she turned around hurriedly but she slipped and the next thing I know, she was in my arms with her face buried in my chest, her warm breath tickling my exposed skin.

A few seconds passed and she pulled her face away from my neck and stared at me with her deep blue eyes. Her face was clear from any makeup, which just added to her innocence.

She gulped at our sudden proximity and distanced herself from me. I had no idea why it felt bad.

"Sorry," she mumbled and I feigned anger.

"Stop being so clumsy," I said harshly and she nodded in return.

The breakfast passed in a hurry, without any further interaction with her. After she had gone to her room, I went to our garden and slumped on one of the chairs.

"Hayden?" A voice startled me.

Only one person had the nerve to call me Hayden.

"What are you doing here, Chris?" I asked without bothering to face him.

"Can't I come to meet my little brother?" he answered in a warm, friendly voice.

"Why? Need some help with your business?" I retorted angrily. I was too distracted right now.

"It's not business Hayden. It is a trust hospital. And don't worry, I don't need your help. I just wanted to see if you are okay," he said, sitting down in front of me. His hair had grown a little and there were dark circles around his eyes.

Chris was my elder brother and the town's renowned surgeon. He was everything I was not--- kind, generous and forgiving. Sometimes, I wished I was more like him. I wished I could look past my demons and move on in my life. But it was not possible, not anymore.

"I don't want your concern brother," I said dryly.

"Stop wasting your life, Hayden. Just look at what happened to dad. He was pushed from 50th floor of a building. Do you want the same for you?" His eyes were laced with concern.

"Don't waste your words on me. I am not stopping until I get my revenge. Not for you, not for anyone else," I shouted, and pity replaced the worry on his face.


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