29: Strain

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James' ragged breathing is now slower and he is calmly and quietly directing the Floater to the nearest Mag current.

I stare out the window with a mix of grief, pain, and rage flowing through me.

Damned traitor.

I grit my teeth and clench my fist, imagining it's Carlo- no, Monty's windpipe.

We are not friends anymore. He got my only family killed.

My brother; my protector... Gone.

Tears begin to fill my eyes again and I struggle to regain control of my breathing.

As the millionth tear falls, I go into a smuggled sob that I cover with my still-healing hand.

I tug at the form hugging suit I am wearing and try to wipe my tears with it, but it won't stretch far enough.

I huff in frustration and smack the seat with my left hand, still balled into a fist.

My injured right hand soon follows suit and I embrace the pain that followed.

With my vision blurry and pain blinding me, I don't notice James set the Floater to Auto. He slides over in the long, couch-like seating.

He doesn't touch me, but he is close.

"Alexi," he says.

My breathing picks up and I looked up at him furiously, a glare fixed on my slobbery and snotty face as I wipe at it with my sleeve.

"Why," I said.

He angles his head a little bit.

"Why didn't you let me stay," I whisper, my voice breaking once more as it exits my lips.

"Because," he says,"you're too important to-to..."

He never finishes as he drags a hand through his hair.

My nostrils flared at the word "important".

"Lukas was important."

James is silent for a moment as he looks at his boots.

"You're right. He was important," he whispers, matching my tone.

As he speaks the words, he takes my uninjured hand.

Despite me immediately trying to pull away, he holds my wrist and slides something into my palm with his other free hand.

I don't look at it as I yank my hand back.

I open my hand shakily, and in my palm is a familiar scrap of metal from my room back at the hotel.

I flip it over and ran my fingers over the smooth surface until I notice a small engraving in the very center of it: "I'll be back," it reads.

My free hand shoots to my mouth as I choke on yet another sob.

It was from one of my favorite ancient movies, and was one of my most favorite quotes... And Lukas knew it.

My eyes grow wide as I stare down at the simple little scrap and I frantically look back up at James.

"You-where- how, Wait. What does it me-"

James cuts me off as he speaks:

"I don't know, Alexi. He told me to give it to you before I left with you."

I slow my breathing despite my rapid heartbeat.

I look down at my expensive shoes and grimace.

They are from Carlo.


James taps me gently on the shoulder and I meet his eyes again. He gestures to my dripping leg and I set my jaw.

He raises an eyebrow at me expectantly, and I reluctantly lift it with a mix of a cry of pain and a groan, and place it in his lap.

He slips the bloodied bandage off and begins applying different medicines; some sting and others are soothing.

As my leg finally seems to numb, I look out of the window and watch the passing ruins and familiar buildings as we speed past.



"Why would people do this to themselves?"

He hesitates a moment.

"Because there are power-hungry people who will do anything the be on top, even if that means sacrificing almost everyone else."

"Like the consuls," I say as I remember my father's rants.

"Yes, the Trifecta, but be careful," he says with a strain in his voice.

"What do you mean?"

"There will always be people that you don't expect trying to gain the upper hand," he says as he finishes wrapping my leg.


"Hmm," I say as I yawned, leaning against the door as it adjusts with slight padding to my new position.

As I drift off, his words spin lazily in my mind and I leave my leg in his lap.


Sooooo what do you think? Again, don't hunt me down and kill me. Should Alexi take his words to heart, or is he just saying stuff? And what do you think? *bobs eyebrows up and down a few times* You think James likes her, or do you think it's another Brother-Sister kinda thing? Anyyyywhooo Almost 500 reads guys! Thank you all sooo much!!!
Thanks you for reading♥️♥️♥️♥️

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