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Announcements ❤️

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Hey, everyone!!

So first off I want to start by giving you all my BIGGEST THANKS! The whole reason I write as much as I do is because I have so many fantastic readers like you all who keep me encouraged! The highlight of every one of my mornings is getting on Wattpad to read all the comments on new chapters and seeing what you all are thinking! I've been so blessed to have received so much love and support and sweet words from you all. No trolls to speak of, which I am forever thankful for!

As for the Fatal Trilogy specifically, I am floored.

I had no idea when I decided to post the first chapter of this book that it would blow up the way that it did. It seemed like overnight I had so many new readers who were begging for more Alyssa and Daimon every day! Some of you know this, others might not, but I never intended to share Fatal Instincts. It was just something I was playing around with in my spare time between other books. I was writing it in a notebook for my eyes only since it was my first attempt at writing about something truly dark, dealing with a character with emotional issues, and writing a story with some X rated scenes 😂 up until this point I'd only written YA level stuff so using the words cock and cum were totally not in my comfort zone 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ however, this story really meant something to me. Alyssa meant something to me. She's the first character that I'd written that I really gave my own thoughts and issues to so it was scary as hell to take the leap and put her out there because if everyone hated her it would feel like everyone would hate me too, but it was the opposite. So many people sent me messages about how much they could relate to Alyssa and her inner struggles and that just really filled my heart and made me feel so good about deciding to share this book with the Wattpad community! I'll admit that I All most chickened out and posted this story under a different name, but in the end I decided to bare it all and just put it out there because I was thoroughly enjoying this book and so I wanted other people to enjoy it too and talk to me about it so I did it!

Every single time someone sent me a sweet message or comment about this story it made me feel so amazing I can't even put it into words. Thank you all for making this such an easy thing to do. It's so fun to write for you guys and that's one of the big reasons I choose to keep story's like the Rachel series and Fatal Trilogy on Wattpad where it's free versus other sites where I could get paid for the efforts. I love you guys and this community and want to be able to always share my best stuff with you all!

Thank you is an inadequate thing to say, but it's all I've got 😂 even writers get lost for words sometimes.

So, in other Fatal news, many have asked about spin offs and continuations and I will tell you all they are definitely in the realm of possibility. I've got a few other projects to work on first but as of right now my intentions are to give Kendrick his own book, Toby his own short story or maybe an extended epilogue, and further down the road I will definitely visit giving the Twins a book as well. However, in order to give you guys the best work possible, I'll need time to really process what I want the stories to be that won't take away from anything I've done for Alyssa and Daimon's stories. Plus, I write out of passion and excitement. If I spend too long in the same story/world I get burnt out so a little space for me from this series will make the new books ten times better than if I tried to force them out right now!

Speaking of other books!!

Those of you who read my book The Necklace have been desperate to get a second book in the series and I promise it will be on the way soon! Right now I'm working on another book that I'm excited about and want to finish up first so all you Necklace readers, as soon as I finish this story, yours is up next! I haven't worked out the specifics yet with Ficfun, where it is posted weeks in advance to here, but I plan to have the sequel available in both formats both here on Wattpad and on Ficfun! As the time gets closer for that one I will start releases teasers to gear up for it:) make sure you follow me on here as well as on Facebook to keep up with all of my books and updates!

And finally, the new book I'm working on right now! Again, this one is different from anything I've done before and I'm taking a 180 from dark and heavy to light and fun with just a touch of emotion (because you guys know I'm just not happy if I can't make you all cry at least twenty times per book!) I'm very excited to be sharing this new book, Character Connection, with you all! Though it is listed as teen, there will definitely also be some mature scenes that will make it more new adult as well so if that's something you're into I hope you'll all check it out and let me know what you think of it! Currently the first three chapters are up now, so if you want to read more by me while you wait for my other books, please follow the link below or look up Character Connection on my profile:):)


And lastly!!!

As many of you know, I also have a YouTube page that I use periodically and I am wanting to do a Fatal Trilogy themed video similar to the one I did for my Rachel series! If you've got questions you want to ask me about the books or just me in general, send them to me here or in my messages and I'll answer them all via video:):)

And that's it!

Thank you all so much for coming on this journey with me and for making me feel so loved every single day! Y'all are literally the best and I count you all as my personal friends!

If I've forgotten something, please feel free to remind me 😂 I'm scatter brained on my best days!


I've picked the winner of the chapter dedication and I will be tagging them here and on my profile as soon as I get their username! If you went to my Facebook and reviewed/rated me for a chance to win make sure you have checked you FB inbox so that I can tag you!

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With Alyssa stuck behind enemy lines and the fate of the pack hanging...
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Fatal Conclusions (Book 3, the Fatal Trilogy Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz