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Chapter 15: Friend or Foe?

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I was sitting on the couch, trying to solve a math equation that I've been struggling with for the past hour.

"This doesn't make any sense!" I shouted in frustration, slumping in my seat. I looked over towards the clock and frowned.

It was already 7:30 p.m, why hasn't he come back?

And then I heard keys outside the door. The doorknob twisted and Ivan stepped in, glancing towards me with a smile.

"Miss me?" he smirked and I narrowed my eyes.

"Who'd miss you?" I snorted, my arms crossed over my chest. Sure, I've been anticipating your arrival, glancing towards the clock every ten minutes and anxiously waiting for you to come back, but I didn't miss you.

"How's your face?" he asked.

"Great, thanks."

He walked over towards me and gently lifted my chin, brushing a finger over one of my scratches. My eyes widened as his face was only inches away from mine.

Too close, too close, too close!

When Ivan placed his hand on my jaw, it was as if he was touching my entire core. A tingling sensation jolted down my spine. I quickly pulled away, my heart pounding against my chest. What was he trying to do? Give me a heart attack?!

"Does it still hurt?" he asked, unfazed.

"I'm healing," I grumbled hoarsely. He just grunted, walking off to his room. As soon as he disappeared around the corner, I looked down at my chest and scowled.

No, stop that! Stop beating so quickly!

While I mentally scolded myself, Ivan came back wearing a new pair of clothes. He sat down beside me and took a look at the equation that I was trying to solve.

"You're studying?" he said.

"Don't act so surprised."

He cocked a brow. "Who said I was acting?"

I was ready to punch him, but then he said, "Mr. Power said that you were having trouble studying."

"I don't need your help," I growled.

"Your grades say otherwise."

"You think you're smarter than me?" I snapped.

"I know I am," he chuckled, unbuttoning his shirt and disappearing into his room. When he left, I pressed my hand against my chest and felt my heart pounding.

No, stop that! Stop beating so hard for that jerk!

His arm brushed over mine when he leaned over to look at the equation I was solving. Well, the one I was trying to solve. I closed the notebook before he could see. He'd probably laugh at my answers and tell me I was stupid. I wasn't stupid. I just wasn't good at math. There was a difference.

"Let me see," he said.

"I'm not done."

He rolled his bluish-grey eyes. "Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Desmond," he growled, his voice sending tingles down my spine. "Give me the notebook while I'm still being nice."

This was him being nice?!

"Fine, but I'll nuke you if you laugh," I mumbled. I handed him the tattered notebook and anxiously waited for him to finish correcting my answer. A few minutes passed.

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by I.J Hidee
When Desmond Mellow transfers to an elite all-boys high school, he im...
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