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"Let me get this straight, your driving 2 hours away to a drive in theater to impress your fake boyfriend...On a school night?" Charlie asked, tapping his pencil against the desk.

"Yeah. So?" Nate shrugged
"Your mom's gonna let you do this?" Charlie asked in disbelief.
"She doesn't care what I do as long as I don't tarnish the family name." Nate replied, rolling his eyes.

Charlie frowned and shook his head. He was starting to feel a little guilty for letting Nate go through with this idea... it was totally unfair to Chase.

The two sat in silence for a minute.

"Dude this is a bad idea. You shouldn't be doing this to him." Charlie frowned, chewing on his bottom lip. "He's actually into you, and you're not interested in him."

"It'll be fine." Nate said, rolling his eyes and continuing on with his school work... who was anybody kidding he was planning out what to say to make Chase swoon over him.

This has to work. He has a little over a month to get Chase to be his.

Charlie sat there, shaking his head and furiously tapping his pencil. The guilt was slowly eating him away and he hates the feeling. If Charlie felt this bad, how is Nate not feeling any sorta regret or guilt?

Before the boys new it, the day was over and they were headed home. Both were silent in the car as Nate dropped Charlie off. It had been like that since earlier when Charlie admitted his guilty feeling to Nate, who like he does with everything regarding human emotion, shrugged it off.

"I'm home!" Charlie shouted, walking inside the homey ranch house.

The first thing Charlie did was head to the baby's room when he heard a giggle.

When he appeared in the door, the baby screamed in happiness.

"Hi baby." Charlie cooed, reaching into the crib to pull out the brown eyed baby. The baby yawned, gripping onto Charlie's shirt. Charlie picked up the boy's blanket and binkey before setting off to find his mother.

"Mom?" Charlie asked, knocking softly on the door.
"Come on in." Marie called. Charlie opened the door, walking in cautiously. He dropped his backpack by the door and held on tightly to the baby while walking into his mothers office, sitting in one of the red leather chairs.

"How was your day?" Marie asked, putting down the paper and pushing her glasses up so they were sitting on top of her head.

"Pretty good... how was the meeting about Luca?" Charlie asked, looking down at the baby, giving him his binkey.
"Not very well... the aunt wants him in her custody instead of mine..." Marie frowned, making Charlie frown and look up.

"She says I'm unfitting to take care of him, and she thinks she'd be better with someone he's related too."

Charlie's blood started to boil.

"That's my son!" Charlie argued. "He's your grandson! You two are related!"
"Yes but not by blood." Marie sighed, handing the paper to her ragging son.
"So just because I'm adopted, you can't legally have him! This is bull shit!"

"Charlie, it's not that I can't legally have him, Carly wants a blood relative to have him."

"Fuck Carly! She didn't raise him the last year! You and I did! She left him on our doorstop in the middle of winter! In a fucking box!"

"Charlie watch your mouth, your son is present." Marie warned as Charlie read over the legal paper.

"No, fuck this, I'm not giving them any permission to take him. I literally turn 18 in 2 months!" Charlie snapped, throwing the paper on the desk making Luca start to fuss, seeing how angry his dad was. Charlie sighed and began rocking the boy in his arms, kissing the top of his head. Luca instantly stopped crying.

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