The Question

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Chapter 17-

Jordans POV

I walked through the hallway, looking at each door, I wondered which room Hannah was in.

I made my way into the bathroom where I seen 2 big shirts.

One for me, one for Hannah.

I took a hot shower. The one that actually make your face sweat while you're in there.

It felt so good to be clean, even though deep down I still felt dirty.

I sighed while stepping out the shower and drying off then proceeding to get dressed.

Eddy had to be the most confusing kidnapper ever.

I mean, i've only seen ones in movies and the definitely didn't let their victims walk around the house and take fresh showers with dove soap.

That's another thing, in movies, the kidnappers usually have the victims locked up in a dark cellar or basement with chains or something.

I so glad he didn't do that to us.

I wouldn't say im "blessed" but it's definitely a plus.

As I opened the door to my room, I immediately spotted Hannah.

"Hannah! Are you okay!?" I ran over to her.

Her foot was wrapped up and bloody. Along with the sears across her arm.

"No, no i'm not okay. I haven't been okay since this chapter of my life started." Tears filled her eyes as she continued.

"Eddy shot me. My foot. He shot my foot. I would've never thought in a million years, I would ever get shot. Jordan please!" She sobbed.

"This might be my last straw. I'm done. The running away. This treatment. This life." She lifted her head to make eye contact with me.

"Do you believe in heaven?" She sniffled.

"Yes, I do" I said in sorrow.

"Me too. I imagine it being beautiful. Way better than earth. I want to see it. Today." She began wiping her tears away. " And I want you to come with me." She finished.

"Hannah, you're 17. You have your whole life ahead of yo-"

"What life? This? Getting burned with metal rods is life? Getting raped is life? How about watching someone being murdered in front of you? You call this life? I can't name one person who would want this! I don't even want this. I'm sick of all this shit!" Hannah broke down again.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say. You're right. This isn't life. I don't know what it's like to be here for years. I don't know exactly how you feel. I'm sorry that I can't do anything to help." My voice began cracking.

I went to sit next to Hannah as she placed her head on my lap and let her tears pour out.

I stroked through her hair trying so hard not to breakdown as well.

I knew I couldn't let her kill herself.

In the back of my head I knew we were going to get out of here and be back with our families.

But in the front of my head, my hope was vanishing.

How was someone supposed to save us out of this booby trap town?

Aw fuck, it's happening.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. One by one.

One of the tears made its way to the corner of my mouth and into the crack.

It was salty.

Just like my life.

After about 20 minutes went by, Hannah lifted herself up.

Her face was so pale. Her bags were puffy. Her eyes were red.

"Can you help me get to the bathroom?" Hannah asked.

"Of course." I replied.

She wrapped one arm around my neck and started hopping to the bathroom.

I ran her a warm, almost hot bath.

She undressed and I helped her in.

She stuck her leg out making sure no soapy water touched it.

"Okay, i'll be in the room." I said jumping down from the sink counter.

"No stay, your the only person who brings me comfort." Hannah voice stopped me.

Woah. I haven't updated since July 30th and it's now August 17th!! Sorry for the wait. I started writing a new book and I'm really into it. But I can't forget about my original lol... I know it short but I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It got deep. Soooo how do y'all feel about all the things Hannah was saying. Was this really her last straw? What about the ending .. Hannah not wanting Jordan to go? Keep reading to find out more !! DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND LEAVE SOME COMMENTS!!
Word count : 758
Xoxo - Ro❤️

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