Chapter 4

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Eris quickly went to work to set up Henry and the girl that he liked to win the wager. Not only had she been stalking and learning about this girl, she kept a professional business relationship with Henry and his duties as a book clerk. While requesting the services from Henry to find her the story of the book she had come to search for, Eris now had made some progress in fostering a closer acquaintance with him at last. And in all the times she saw him, she slowly began to learn more about him personally and about his subtle interest in this girl. It was not until one day that she decided that her research now needed a final catalyst for them to come together. Quite precisely, "the girl herself."

"Really? Why isn't that so? I must say, Henry, it will be an immense pleasure to come to see one of your concerts some time," remarked Eris enthusiastically after hearing his aspirations to be a concert pianist. Eris looked at Henry's face as she waited for a reaction. Henry, although grateful of her compliments, was busy fixing the tea Mr. Walden had suggested he serve to her since she was his regular customer.

Henry murmured a "hmm, yes," in response to her praise, carefully pouring the tea. In these few "book meetings" with Henry, Eris often thought that he was a tough nut to crack open. There was very little excitement to be found in his social and emotional life. He was often stoic and too formal on topics she wanted him to open up about. For Henry, it was strange for him to hear her curiously ask such topics. However, Henry didn't mind her questioning. He was amused by her presence and enjoyed her company. After all, this was the first time any female had given him any attention at all.

In a moment of silence after his reply, Henry sat back across from her and continued with the hygiene inspection of the books he had picked out for her to read. Throughout her time here, Eris was uninterested in the books laid out for her. A couple of sentences here and there, and maybe she would flip through a few chapters, but she could not stand to be in these silent environments. As for Henry, he sat there unbothered and concentrated. Among the many books, tripled this time on their table, Eris, slouched on them, forcing herself to read as after flipping through more pages. She tried to think of something clever to start another conversation. Though nothing came to mind, she took it upon herself to release her intentions and get straight to the point. She looked up back at Henry, smiled and broke the silence as he carefully held the warm tea cup, his lips taking a sip of the hot blend of spices in it.

"What part of a woman fascinates you the most?" she asked confidently. As one may guess, at that instant, Henry choked on his tea, almost catapulting it out from his mouth.

"Pardon me, come again?" he replied, embarrassed and blushing a little.

"Just an honest question if you will, Henry, it's to help me with my research. How do you feel about romance? There's got to be something about females that fascinates you men and I want to know what you think," she continued.

After regaining his composure, Henry calmly tried to understand what she was talking about, covering his reaction.

"Well, Miss Smith, I can say the least that every story has romantic qualities. For example, tales of chivalrous knights fighting for honor and for their women is a common heroic element found throughout the framework of literature. It is something I too admire most. I can't say for sure what provokes men to possess such passions for acts of bravery, but it's a reoccurring theme in all romantic tales. Maybe that's why we are having a tough time finding that book for you," he said, laughing a little at his own response.

"No, no... I didn't mean that research, I meant..." before Eris finished her sentence, she noticed that her question was a bit vague and sexually provoking, remembering that appealing to Henry's man-brain never worked. As Henry looked on with confusion of what other possible research she was doing, Eris changed the subject and asked a series of business related questions about the bookstore and his schedule.

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