Jake Finds Out

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(Ten days later) Evy's POV

"I know it's hard Bella, but you need to ate" I tell her.

"I know, but I can't keep anything down" she tells me. Bella looks to be eight months pregnant, belly wise. The rest of her is practically bone thin and she's covered in bruises from the baby's kicks. The only thing keeping me going is hope. Hope that Bella will be strong enough to survive the pregnancy and birth. Hope that the baby won't be a monster like the legends and myths say it is.

Just then the sound of a motor bike's engine broke me from my thoughts. "I'll go see who it is" I tell Bella. When I reach the hall way I see Carlisle and Jacob. "Hello Jacob" I say smiling.

"Hi Evy" he says. "Just give it to me straight" he tells Carlisle and I frown.

"Jake, is that you?" Bella calls.

"She's here?" Jake demands.

"They got back two weeks ago Jacob" I tell him. He then passes me and goes into the other room. Where Bella is laying down on the couch covered in a blanket. Rosalie standing protectively in front of her. I walk past her and sit beside Bella again.

"Jake, I'm glad you came" Bella says. Jake goes to come closer but Rosalie stops him.

"Close enough" she tells him.

"What's your problem?" Jake asks her annoyed.

"Rose, it's ok" Bella and I assure her. I get up and place a calming hand on her shoulder. While Jacob takes my sit beside Bella.

"You look terrible" Jake tells her and I smile. I said the same thing a week and a half ago. Though she looks worse now.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too" she says smiling.

"So you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" he asks her. Bella looks at me and I smile nodding my head.

"Rose, want to help her" I tell her. Jacob stands as Rose approaches the couch. Bella stands up with Rosalie's help and Jacob sees she has a huge pregnant belly.

"You did this" Jacob accuses Edward going to hurt him. But Emmet stops him from doing so.

"They didn't even know it was possible" I tell him.

"Wait, you know about them?" he asks me.

"Yes and I know about you also Jacob. I practically grew up on the reserve surrounded by Quileute legends" I state.

"What is it?" he asks Carlisle.

"I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac" Carlisle replies.

"I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore" Alice adds.

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing" I explain.

"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!" Jacob shouts.

"This is none of your business dog" Rose tells him firmly.

"Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella" Esme and I tell her.

"The fetus isn't good for Bella" Alice states.

"Say the word Alice" I scold her.

"'Baby', it's just a little baby" Rose emphasis.

"Possibly" Jasper says.

"Carlisle you've got to do something" Jacob tells him.

"No. It's not his decision. It's not any of yours" Bella states. I notice she's sitting down again. Edward then pulls Jacob away to speak to him in private. The others go back to researching while Rose and I stay with Bella.

"How about I go prepare you a nice warm bath" I suggest.

"A bath sounds lovely Aunt Evy" she says smiling.

"I'll go make one" I tell her smiling and kiss her stomach gently. "Be good for your mother little one" I tell the baby. Before standing up and leaving the room. As I do Jacob enters it. Rose soon joins me in preparing a bath for Bella. Soon I here a crush outside and look out the window. To see a huge rusty coloured wolf running into the forest.

"That was the dog" Rose tells me and I nod my head. "I'll go get Bella" she says before leaving the room. Jacob came back while Rose changed Bella into a robe. The pack now knew I knew of them and of Bella's pregnancy. They plan to kill the baby, even if it means killing Bella. I head home while Bella had her check-up with Carlisle and Edward.


Picture above of Bella and picture on the external link of Evelyn.

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