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to: weston.maguire@baderu.com

from: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

subject: Last night

sent: March 22, 2017 at 11:02am


I'm really glad you came to the reading last night. I mean, I thought maybe I'd see you there. I figured if I gave you some of the details, you might come. And, would you look at that, I was right.

It was funny how natural it felt for me and Simon to sit and talk with you and Peter. I know more about Peter than a stranger probably should, and you've heard (read?) so much about Simon... and now we've all actually met. In person. Completely bizarre.

I liked Peter a lot. There's something inherently gentle about him that I wasn't expecting to come across in person the way it did in your emails. I felt like I was watching brothers when I was around the two of you. You were constantly in tune with each other, like dance partners.

Simon had a good time, too. But he was being unusually quiet on our way home. Whenever I read my work, especially in public, Simon is full of thoughts and questions. But not last night.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, feeling uncertain.

"What? Oh, no, nothing like that. You did great today."

"Thanks," I said, waiting for him to say something more substantial.

"He knows you pretty well, huh?" He was talking about you.

"I guess."

Simon sighed and scratched his head. "Cass, I gotta say something, and I know it's not entirely fair, but if I don't say it, then we wouldn't be us. You know?" I knew. We've never been the kind of people to put off uncomfortable conversations. We lean into the discomfort.

"Are you going to profess your undying love for me?" I wanted him to laugh. He was being too serious.

"Ew. No."

I laughed. His impression of me has gotten pretty good.

The mood was lighter as we kept walking, and he kept asking questions.

I think you confused him. Or anyway, we confused him. He just couldn't believe how well you knew me, and he wasn't sure if he should be skeptical. You have to understand, for as long as I've known Simon, I've kept my "social circle" very limited.

It threw Simon through a loop to see us interact. Especially when those two guys came by our table to say hi to you. I'm not sure if you noticed, but Simon froze, his beer raised halfway to his mouth when he heard that guy talk to me like that.

He's protective of people, and I think it can be frustrating for him to be mentally and emotionally protective while knowing he can't often intimidate people physically.

But then, when you spoke up and the guy left, Simon's discomfort became pure astonishment.

I liked what you said about my ability to desecrate a person's self-confidence... great choice of words.

If it helps, Simon was impressed. I think a part of him thought you were trying to get into my pants.

See you,


. . .

to: cassandra.belford@baderu.com

from: weston.maguire@baderu.com

subject: Re: Last night

sent: March 22, 2017 at 12:27pm

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