Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The baby.

I watched his face but he had no emotion visible on the surface as he stared back.

"D-did you know about the baby before the accident?"

His eyes flickered at that. "I found out after."

He had no further explanation. The man was like that since I woke up. My husband always giving out short answers, making me even more uneasy of everything.

But ever since I found out I'm pregnant, I felt protective of the tiny life inside of me. And the smallest hint that he or she was unwanted didn't sit well with me.

"Was it planned? Were we expecting a baby?"

"Any child you decide to give me will be cherished well."

What kind of answer was that? I bit my lip.

He started to prepare my meal and made sure I finished it. And I did, only because of the look he gave me.

"After you change your clothes, we're leaving." It wasn't a request. A knock came to the door and Zachary's driver came in towing a large suitcase.

I looked at it and frowned, "A change of clothes would be fine."

Zach's lips twitched.

"You don't like people choosing your clothes for you, you have this specific fashion sense you insist on."

He said the words as if with a different meaning. His hand gestured to the suitcase, "We found that in your car after the accident."

At the mention of the accident, I raised my eyes to him. "Was I going somewhere far?"

"Hm, were you?" there was an unreadable look in his face.

He wasn't answering my questions, I realized. But why not?

Zachary picked up the suitcase and set it beside me, "Be quick. We need to leave in an hour"

The sudden chill in his voice was spurring me on. But for some reason, I was actually excited to open the piece of luggage. I was going to see pieces of my personality. Of me.

But what was inside confused me. I wasn't sure they were clothes at first sight. Everything inside was in glitter and metallic fabric and animal prints.

"What is this?" I picked up what seemed to be a scrap of lace and held it in front of me. When I realized what it was I quickly dropped it. My face went as red as the lingerie.

Zach blankly stared at me, "Your clothes."

I wore that?

A headache started as I rummaged through my things. Everything I saw was too much. There were five pairs of shoes. All glitzy heels of not less than three inches. Tops with necklines so low they didn't make sense, leather micro-miniskirts, glittery party dresses. And there was no sense of recognition.

"Are you sure these are mine? There is nothing here appropriate to wear." I looked back at Zach, frustrated.

He was looking back with an unreadable face.

"I'll leave you get dressed." He walked out of the room.

No decent person would wear most of what was inside that crazy suitcase. My crazy suitcase. What kind of person did that make me?

Baffled, I chose a crop top and ripped shorts... because really, there was nothing else I could bear to put on. A pair of ankle-length leather boots.

There was a make-up bag in there but when I saw the dark red lipstick, I quickly gave up.

"Are you done?" Zachary stood by the door like a dark prince, eyeing at me from top to toe. 

I left my waist-length hair down to cover my back, and wrapped one arm around my middle to hide the showing skin. Forget about wearing clothes, I felt naked when he looked at me that way.

"Yes," I nodded and went to him. He quickly grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers. I froze at his action but he started pulling me out the room. Where he touched, tingles were spreading on my skin and my heart started to beat wildly.

"We're heading home," he informed.

Home. My head stayed blank at the mention.

All those clothes felt like a stranger to me. And what if this home was a stranger too?   

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