Chapter 11: Investigation

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Hayley's POV

Training went smoothly. That girl that I knocked out previously is still unconscious. Anyways, I am currently on my way to the house when I am stopped.

"hey. Hayley! Hold up!"

Instead of waiting I kept walking. Irrited that he could not get a hint.

"Hayley! Wait up!" he called out another time.

I just ignored and kept walking. This time I could hear him speeding up more and in moments, he was beside me.

" I was calling you. Did you not hear me?" He asked

I just rolled my eyes and replied " yes I did hear you but I decided to ignore you."

I turned to him to see his eyes flickering black and blue now and then.

'Hey we got patrol in 2 hours, you got to be here now sis.' Austin mind-linked

'Ok. be there in 5' I replied back

I turned to Eric to see him still here talking about something.

"well I would love to stay here and chat to the person I hate the most but I gotta go now. bye." I said all in one go.

I left him and immediately went to the house. I got there to see Sky, Jared and Austin in the training area looking over the cameras.

"So what do we got?" I ask seriously

" we had movement of rouges in the northern, southern and western corners of the territory." Jared says

"That's a problem." Sky says

"Wait!" Austin says out of no where. We look to him.

"If they have covered the northern, southern and western corners of the territory then they are here for something. Remember the pack we helped a while back. The Sun Pack. They covered the Northern, Eastern and Southern corners of the territory and left the Western corner." Austin said remembering.

Jared's eyes went wide.

"The western corner of the territory was the entrance. And this packs entrance is the Eastern corner." Jared continued.

"Meaning they are not here for something. There here for someone. Or more specifically, people. This could be the same issue with the sun pack!" Sky continued.

"They must not be working alone then and you know what else." I said

They all looked to me waiting for my answer.

"There is a traitor in the pack."


Right now we are on our way to Uncle Sam's office. Once we got to the pack house we got a few curious stares. Ignoring them I went to the dinning area while the others went to the office.

As I entered the dinning area I saw Uncle Sam and Aunt Eve happily talking to mom and dad. As I continued walking towards them in the corner of my eye I saw Erik flirting with some she wolf. My wolf and I were on the same page and just ignored it.

I got to Uncle Sam and Aunt Eve.

"I am sorry to interrupt but we need to talk." I said calmly

"How important is this?" Uncle Sam asked curiously

"Urgently Alpha Sam." I say in all seriousness

His eyes went big. The only time I address him as Alpha is if I am serious.

He rose from the table, as did Aunt Eve and mom and dad. We went to the office to see Austin, Jared and Sky.

"Go into the war room." I said.

We walked in the room and closed the doors behind us.

"So what is this all about." Uncle Sam asked seriously.

"Ok. First of all. Are these rooms completely sound proof?" I asked

Uncle Sam just nodded his head.

"OK. We have set up cameras all over the pack house. Every room, every corner with a built in hidden microphone. We also placed cameras all over the boarder. And we found out some interesting things." Jared Started.

"Ok." Uncle Sam said for us to keep going.

"Apparently, the rouges have covered the northern, southern and western corners of the territory, meaning they aren't just regular wolves. They will be smarter." Sky continued.

"That's not the worst part." Austin said

"Do you recall the mini battle that happened while ago. How did they get through the boarder so easily until we smelt them near the pack house?" Austin continued

We looked over at Uncle Sam for an answer.

"I don't know how they got through." he said

"Just as I suspected." I said

Now all eyes are to me.

"What do you mean?" Aunt Eve asked

I sighed.

"Do you recall me saving a little girl at the northeast just out side the boarder." I asked them

they all nodded.

"These are the same rouges I killed. The same rouged Austin and I killed in that mini battle." I continued.

"What are you trying to say Hayley?" Aunt Eve asked.

"I'm saying we have a traitor in the pack."


Uncle Sam punched the desk. Well looks like he's gonna get another desk.

"How can this be happening!?" Uncle Sam roared

"Look Uncle Sam I know your upset. But we need to stay calm." I said calmly.

He looked at me and slightly nodded.

"For now, what has been said stays between us in this room. No one but us can know about this." I said.

"Wait. Not even my son?" Aunt Eve said

"No. Not even him. He will be endangered with this information. Only us in this room can know. Soon, we will be patrolling the area." Austin said

"I have one question." Jared cuts in.

"what is it?" Uncle Sam replied frustrated.

"Has any kids been missing?" Jared asked

"Yes. A few kids have been taken from there homes at night. The delta's little girl has been taken just the day before you guys came." Uncle Sam says.

I sighed.

"damn it!" I yell frustrated.

"What! What is it?" Austin askes

"It's them! The same fucking rogues that killed Katie!" I roared furiously

Sky looked shocked. Then that shock turned to anger.

"Well then, all the more reason to hunt these fuckers down." Sky said.


Katie was only 5 when we found her. She was abandoned in the forest. We took her in and gave her a home. She was our little sister in the EAH and we brought her in. One day, we went for a stroll in the forest and Katie was running towards a bundle of lilies. They were her favorite flowers. Then all of a sudden a rogue jumped out of the bushes and attacked her. We heard her screams and once we got there, the rogue was eating her intestines and then ran off with someone behind it. From then on we have never stopped looking for those fuckers.

End of Flashback

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