Chapter 17

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You and Jeongyeon head over to the airport and are led to the tarmac, luckily you were rich so you had your own personal jet
"WAHHH, you are so rich, how come you never told me anything about this?!!?" Jeongyeon pouts with her dog aegyo

"I got plenty of reasons to keep secrets from you" you laugh "Makes things more interesting..."


"OWWW WTF was that for!!!"
"Tf you think you pabo!!! If I find out you're cheating on me, I'll just toss your ass into the sea!"

After you two argued for an hour, the pilots came in saying we had to board now, so you both hopped on and saw three employees talking amongst themselves,

One of the stewardess looked like a raccoon, shyly looking at the male pilot while the other stewardess was caressing the pilots face and holding his hand

Hmph, must be something I know nothing about

I walked over to the lone stewardess and looked at her name tag, she notices my presence and nervously bows "Uhhh... Momo is it? Am I correct?" She nods
"well I see you are looking at those two in a very... peculiar way. Do you like him? The pilot I presume? Well here's some advice, love isn't always definite, just because they are all lovey dovey right now doesn't mean their love is set into concrete, you should do something about your feelings for him and confess or find a way to steal him... besides all guys are the same... We love it when more girls like us" I winked at her, giving her some confidence that hopefully she'll heed my advice

She nods again, looking at me this time

Honolulu here we come, it'll be quite the Twice Coaster now that I have something more to look forward to...
The whole flight was boring, Jeongyeon and I cuddled but nothing else happened, except for some pleasuring "down there" cuz why not?

You two arrived and stepped out of the airplane with a Rolls Royce Wraith waiting for you two, both of you breathed in the fresh, tropical air and let out a shout, "WE'RE HERE!!!"

I grabbed my Canon DSLR and took a picture of Jeongyeon both of her walking to the car whilst enjoying the view and another one of her looking at me, with a big smile on her face and a lovely feeling coming from her eyes

I smiled as I begin to tear up but I was able to hold them back,

I'm happy that I found her and I don't know what I would do without her,
Man the things love does to a crazy person, why does love have to be so painful yet addicting?
I guess I can't complain now because I don't want to lose her like how she almost lost me
Is this what people call " a unseverable connection"?
Or is it just temporary?

2nd to last chapter???

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