-Chapter Twenty Three-

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"Oh my goddess, you're pregnant!"

She pulls me into a hug, her own rounded tummy pressing lightly against mine, and much more noticeable on her slimmer figure. And as I'm still trying to process the news myself, she automatically pulls out of the hug to look at me with a serious face...a complete 180 to the ecstatic smile I saw just before she hugged me.

"You need to get an ultrasound. Right now."

She wastes no time in dragging me out of the bathroom and to the hallway, and I stumble a bit as she only moves faster. Moving through the slightly crowded hallways, Adri huffs in impatience.

"Move it people! Pregnant Luna coming through!" She announces loudly, and as the people part out of our way I catch sight of Seth's parents coming down the hallway with little Avery in tow, still looking a bit sleepy wrapped in her blanket.

"Did I hear you correctly Adrienne?" His mom Haley asks, her expression stunned to say the least.

"Yep! Follow me!" She replies, continuing to lead me to another room, and the female doctor in there looks up in surprise.

"Adrienne? You don't have another appointment until next week, is there something wrong?" She asks worriedly.

"No, I'm fine Dr. Bell. But my sister here needs an ultrasound stat." She answers, and the doctor looks at me in surprise.

"Luna? Of course, right away! Just lie down here please." She gestures towards the table, and I lay down on my back as she preps the machine.

"Can you tell me what symptoms you've had Luna?" She asks as she raises my shirt and begins spreading the cold gel on my stomach.

"Umm...nausea, headaches, weird cravings-"

"I'll say, you've been eating jolly ranchers and green peppers, which you hate, and five minutes ago the smell of black coffee made you physically sick. Not to mention you haven't been sleeping well and eating enough." Adrienne interrupts, and I catch the worried looks of Seth's parents when I give my sister a look.

"Why didn't you come to me sooner Luna?" Dr. Bell asks as she presses the device to my belly, and I sigh.

"Because I chalked it up to stress...I've been so consumed with Seth that I didn't even think I could be pregnant..."

~Why didn't you say anything about this? You're supposed to know these kind of things.~ I ask my wolf, and she huffs.

~I'm in the same boat as you girl, you aren't the only one worried about our mate.~

"Well...you are definitely pregnant Luna...and they look quite healthy too." She murmurs, and I freeze.

"They...?" I repeat, and she grins.

"Yes, they...you see?" She turns the screen towards me, and my breath catches in my throat. Two palm sized fetuses move on the screen, their tiny faces noticeable despite the blurry image...

I'm pregnant...with twins.

"Now, considering both you and Seth have Alpha blood, and the development of these little pups...I'd say you're about five weeks into a four month pregnancy. Which would put conception around October 13...does that sound right?" She turns to me, and I do the math correctly too...and it's right. Which means I got pregnant the day that Seth left for Blue Mountain...a week before he was hurt.

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