T H R E E ~ "Sugarplum? Really?"

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"We don't actually have to cook...." Axel trails off, flicking another page of a cookbook.

The amount of cookbooks that Axel has in his designer kitchen was a grand total of three. Plus, whatever we made had to match the ingredients that were in Axel's fridge because we were both to lazy to go to the store.

Yep, we were screwed.

So we took the sad amount of books we had and began flicking through them one by one, hoping to find an easy recipe.

"I'm actually loosing my mind." I groan, resting my head on a page in the book.

"Cause you're near all of my hotness." Axel winks at me, before turning back to his cookbook.

"Uh-hu, sure... So, why can't I use the internet for a recipe?"

"No WiFi." Axel shrugs as if it's the most natural thing in the world.

"What?!" I exclaim, my mind spinning.

Axel is clearly rich, it's painfully obvious due to his apartment. And as a person who enjoys a good Instagram stalk, I can't imagine living without WiFi.

"It's getting installed in a week. I've just changed provider and it's taking fucking forever."

"First world problems..." I fake a sad face and shove his shoulder.

I slowly stand up from the stool I've been sitting on and make my way over to the stainless steel fridge.

"So, we've gotta make something." I state, opening the door to the fridge up.

Despite the grand scale of Axels kitchen, inside his fridge is more than disappointing.

It's heartbreaking.

There's no food.

Well, that's exaggerating a bit. There's a tiny bottle of milk, a six pack of eggs and some ham, plus what looks like butter.

I can't be sure.

"This is what you live off?" I ask, my eyebrows raised in astonishment.

"No, I get deliveries every day of athlete food. But I eat it all every time. So there's no point in me storing food." He shrugs.

I snort at the word athlete, a smile coming onto my face.

"Why are you laughing?" Axel laughs, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because you called yourself an athlete." I chuckle.

"I am one, I'm the quarter back of The Bruins, incase you've forgotten sugarplum." Axel smirks, flexing his arms showing his massive biceps.

I think a part of my heart just died.

I attempt to hide my girly thoughts by clearing my throat and crossing my arms over my chest. "Sugarplum? Really?"

"Really." Axel grins, his straight teeth showing.

"You're impossible." I groan, looking back at the fridge. "Why don't we just make omelettes?"

"Because isn't that too simple?"

"They didn't exactly say what we have to cook," I shrug.

"Loophole, I like it." Axel nods, looking impressed.

"Let's do it."


"Fuck, no....holy crap this is difficult." Axel curses, whilst miserably failing to flip his omelette.

Cooking With The QB ✔️ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن