Black and White: the beginning of the end

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If you've noticed, I've been editing the older chapters because I found error on the dates each chapter had, and I'm not talking about light stuff, Idk why I didn't see I pu tone day of school on a SATURDAY, I guess I just mixed everything when writting and didn't even notice. But I've fixed it!

So for those you want to know what day it is in this chapter, it's: 17 of November, a Saturday, basically it's been a week since the reader had talked to Hancock and Aokiji (that's why she complained she still had no answer from the jury).

After all that drama and kinky sex you were exhausted! You didn't feel like moving at all in the morning, especially when Law remembered you still had to move all of your things to your new home.

Fortunately your whines and cute but obviously fake tears won Law over and you were able to sleep in late. Like really late! You even skipped breakfast and lunch! Which was a sin in your opinion but you were too tired to even care...

At 16 o'clock you finally woke up and to pleasant surprise!

You whispered to Law to wake up careful not to make any harsh movements and proceeded to point at a white furry ball between both your hips with a silly grin on your lips.

Law, still a bit dizzy, looked over and blinked a few times to see if it was real...

He too smiled like a goof and a proud father to Bepo's sleeping form between you two.

"What should we do?" – You whispered in his ear.

"Let's take it easy. Act normal so he doesn't suspect and addapts better-" – He whispered back but was interrupted by a cute little yawn.

Quickly you threw your heads back onto your pillows, nearly missing the headboard, and shut your eyes, pretending to sleep. The sound and slight bouncing of our heads made Bepo stir awake completely and stay on alert.

You could feel by the light changing weight of the mattress that Bepo had stood up and carefully moved forward to your necks, sniffing every possible inch.

After a few moments you didn't feel him and wondered if he had disappeared when suddenly you felt something sniff your chin.

Your presumed Bepo had 'inspected' Law and now it was your turn.

You could barely hold your breath as you felt his tiny cold nose poke and tickle you several times, first on your chin, then cheeks and finally hair.

You prayed he wouldn't go for your ears, your biggest weakpoint. And as if Reading your mind he got closer and closer to your ear.

You could barely hold your breath, trembling. You felt Law hold your hand as if he was giving you his support, and you squeezed him tight.

Suddenly the tickling stopped... You waited concentrating on feeling Bepo but you couldn't, so you waited... and waited... and waited...

Until you smelled something odd... something that shouldn't be there, or anywhere near you for a matter of fact!

You opened your eyes wide feeling your heart rate accelerate. You looked to your side, seeing Law just the same as you, also looking to a peeing Bepo in the middle.

"BEPO!" – You yelled suddenly sitting up.

"Wait, (Y/N)! Don't-" – Law's warning was too late.

Bepo was so scared with your outburst that not only did he pee himself but also ran around the bed while doing so.

"No! Bepo stop!" – You tried catching him but he was too fast.

For Art (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora