2p Canada

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((That's right bitchez! I'm bringing the 2ps in!!! This ones for @DanielBeadnell! Thanks for the support dear!))

The door swung opened at the bottle stopped. "Shiza." Germany swore. Allen (2p America) stepped in the door along with everyone else. "We can't let you have all the fun, now can we?" Everyone moved over as their 2ps sat next to them. Some of them (the Americas) got along really well! Then some (the England's) were complete opposites and hated each other.

Germany reached forward and spun the bottle again. It landed on Matt (2p Canada). "Fucking great." Oliver (2p England) reached over to him and handed him a jar. "Swear jar." Matt sighed and put in a quarter. "Shit, I don't have any dirty stories." He though to himself. "Well.... I don't have any." France put his arm around him. "Come on! A handsome guy like you must have one or two!" Matt glared at France. "Stop touching me." France took his arm off. "Well there's one but it's kinda stupid. And not my fault."

"So one Halloween when I was younger I wasn't pumped to go out. And Oliver had taken Allen so I was just chilling at home. But Francois (2p France) pushed me out the door with some lame Jason* outfit. So I went and I saw this random girl just there. She had, like, a pink dress on so I went over and we talked and whatever. She was cool and stuff so I kissed her. Well turns out Oliver forced Allen to be a fairy in a pink dress. So yeah." Everyone was quiet. "I remember that!" Said Oliver." You looked so cute Allen!" "I LOOKED LIKE A CHICK!" He yelled back. "Anyways. Whatever." He moved forward and spun the bottle.

((Okay so that's done! So now 2p and 1p characters are available for turns! And maybe...just maybe....Fems later. See ya next turn!))

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