Chapter 18

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Sierra's p.o.v
It's been a week since I was discharged from the hospital. I still ache all over and sometimes I can't leave my bed from the excruciating pain I'm by ribs and head but Nate has done everything he can to take care of me.

I've never felt such love from anyone. It's as though he truly cares for me and I'm not just another one of the girls he's fooled around with. He wouldn't let me stay in my own room and insisted I stay with him in his. Despite my argument I knew I didn't have the energy to put up much of a debate and decide to agree pretty fast.

It gets really lonely staying at home all the time, although Nates here most days and the girls come over when he had to work, I miss being outside and I hate missing work.

Me and Nate have argued about me going back to work several times but I'm yet to win. He insists on me making a full recovery before heading back. I know he's only doing what's best for me but I can't deny it's drives me crazy.


After another girly day spent in doors with scarlet and Mia, watching movies and eating: Nate finally arrives home. He's not working late nights anymore and he always arrives home around 6pm.

Mia and Scarlet leave after a while and I head to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I have cleaned this house 20 times in the past week! It's not even messy but I can't find any other way to occupy my time. I'm bored and Nates knows it but still refuses to let me work.

"My parents have asked us round to dinner." Nate says scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Does he not want to go?

"Oh." I respond not really knowing what to say.

"Are you feeling up to it. I can say no my parents will understand." He says pulling me into his chest while running his fingers through my hair.

I giggle at his caring side as it's not a side I get to see often. "Nate I'm fine! I need to get out of this house somehow." I laugh.

He pecks my lips quickly before whispering "I love you."

"I love you too."   I turn around to go upstairs and get dressed when Nate slaps my behind.

"Be quick." He yells after me.

"Asshole." I mutter. I probably shouldn't have said that because as soon as I did I could feel his presence close to me. I begin to run and I can hear him running after me but that's not what stops me.

My head goes dizzy and I feel extremely light headed. My legs turn weak as I slowly drop to the floor.

I hear Nate yell before he picks me up bridal style and carries me upstairs.

He places me onto his bed while feeling my temperature. This isn't the first time this has happened but usually I'm able to control the dizziness to prevent Nate from worrying.

"We're not going tonight." Nate says authoritatively. We have a slight argument about it but I soon manage to win by agreeing not to leave his side all night.


"Sierra I've been trying to get Nate to bring you here since you two first met." Elizabeth chuckles. Nate glares at her as if I don't already know about his obsession.

We all take our seats around the dining table as Elizabeth exits to bring the food in.

She soon enters again, followed by several waiters which all carry 2 dishes each. The dishes are placed evenly around the table allowing everyone to eat freely.

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