Chapter 7

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----------6 months later-----------
It was time for a raid again, and Lír would be fighting in Northumbria with Ragnar and Ivar.

"She has shown great promise as a shield-maiden." Ragnar said proud of his son.
Ivar nodded while watching  his woman win a fight with Ubbe. She pinned him on the ground and smiled up at Ivar.

"When are we raiding Northumbria, Father." Ivar looked at his father

"Soon, at the end of the month, if the gods allow it, and the sea is calm." Ragnar said looking up at the ulgy and grey sky, that caused training to end early.

------Ivar's Bed Chambers------
"Ivar your father said that I could fight when we raid Deira, and that you we the one to persuade him to let me attack with you." Lír said slightly upset with Ivar.

"Yes, I did, why?"

"Why did you do it? I could have convinced him on my own."

"Lír, we leave in only a number of days. He has said you have shown promise, but it wouldn't have been enough to convince him." Ivar told her with an unapologetic look, which Lír couldn't stand about him.

Lír sighed and layed down in the bed. Ivar started to kiss her neck and unbutton her shirt. "Ivar, stop."

"And why would I do that?" Ivar asked while continuing to kiss her.

"Because, I am mad at you." She told him while pushing him off. He sighed and layed back down on his bed.

------------1 week later-------------
The storms have stoped and the sea is calm, King Ragnar and his men are currently sailing to Northumbria. King Ælfric and Queen Ainslee don't know that Ragnar doesn't plan of making another deal, or that Lír is fighting with him. Ragnar is standing on the edge of his boat staring at the English land not to far away from him and his vikings. He had a smirk on his face, as did Lír and Ivar.

-------Viking Encampment------
The vikings had arrived in Northumbria amd sent word to King Ælfric, who was not happy with their return.

"Father what is our plan?" Ivar wanted to know.

"We will go into King Ælfric's castle and let him think we will make another deal. Lír will stand with us, and tell them our price. One that they cannot give us, when they refuse the rest of our men will attack from the outside. Gods be willing, we will win."

Ivar went back to his tent, Lír was sitting on the bed in silence, looking down, and looking worried. She gave him a small smile.

"Lir, what is troubling you?" Ivar crawled over to her and wiped the tear falling from her cheek. "Ivar, I am with child." He sat up, surprised, yet happy, and gave her a smile.

"You are certain?" Ivar questioned with a smile on his face. She she nodded her head, and he laughed and kissed her. She was surprised that he was happy about it.

----------Ælfric's Castle------------
"King Ragnar! I would like to say it is good so see you, but then I would be a liar." King Ælfric's words made Ragnar smile. "Now, your price, but first where is my daughter?"

"Lír, come here darling." Ragnar commanded and she stood next to Ivar.

"Lír, what has happened to you? What have they done, you look like a man, come here!"

"No, you sold me to the vikings. Now I am a viking." Lír said with a smirk, and grabbing Ivar's shoulder. Ælfric noticing the ring on her finger.

"You married the heathen!?" He said referring to Ivar.

"Yes, I married the heathen, I also carry the heathen's child." Her confession caused her father to draw his sword.

"Oh, no need for that" Talking about his sword. "Your outside forces are dead, and the men are taking what they want. Now our offer, 10,000 pounds of silver and 1,000 pounds of gold. Give us that and we won't kill everyone in the castle."

"Lír, you and your heathens will burn in hell. God is on our side, we will win this, and you will die." Ælfric threatened.

"Very well, King Ælfric. ATTACK!" Ragnar commanded.

During the battle Ragnar decided not to kill King Ælfric and Queen Ainslee, but hold them hostage. Lír found the priest that wanted to send her away and cut his throat. Ivar killed castle guards, and took the slaves to the boats. Ragnar and all the other vikings found the Kings wealth, there was much more than they expected. Hundreds of thousands of pound worth of both gold and silver. Plus whatever was of worth in the castle.

After the attack, all the men and women were rewarded well, and they sailed back to Kattegat. Along with slaves amd Ælfric and Ainslee, who didn't take their eyes of Lír.

"You are sure about the child, and that the heathen love you?" Ainslee asked her daughter.

"Yes, mother he loves me, and yes, I am sure there is a child." Lír responded with confidence.

"And he let you fight? He must not he that worried about you." After her mother's comment Lír smiled and walked away to Ivar and kissed him.

"Ivar, I love you." Lír told him.

"I love you too." Ivar said lovingly while placing his hand on her stomach, and staring a the small bump. She layed her head down on his chest and closed her eyes thinking about what they're future would be like with a child. She loved every second of it.

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