Chapter 186-Memories of Lord Midnight

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"When we fought on the Plains of Naaldur I did not expect The Lord of Death to turn on us. How was I, the Lord of Darkness to expect such a thing? Even Lord Chaos never suspected it. No matter how many enemies we faced, whether it be the Hells or the Heavens we four brothers have always stood strong together. I have never despaired, not once, because I knew our commander would prevail. He was invincible under the Heavens and above it. Even when The Lord of Death betrayed us and a Heavenly Emperor himself descended from above I was not afraid. However... I should have been."


A great battle raged on. Gods and Demons slaughtered indiscriminately as armies of angels many times larger than the one Lineir had seen pinioned and wheeled amidst the sky. Blood fell like an endless rain, bathing the ground crimson, and the once verdant plains turned into a place which resembled the Hells. This was war. The one true war, the only real war in all of time. The Final Battle.

Shua Shua Shua!!

Great figures, elders, ancestors fought together and against each other. Heavenly Prelates commanded hordes of warlike angels who wished to rage forth upon mortal lands. This battle on the Plains of Naaldur...this battle was on the cusp of reaching the Gates of Heaven themselves. In some ways, this battle would be almost as fierce as the battle for the Gates themselves for the Heavens would send out all their forces beforehand to prevent such a dread fate. The loss of face, let alone the unthinkable ramifications of their refuge being tainted by mortal hands, would ensure that every effort would be made before the battle reached the actual Gates.

An uncaring figure clothed in black robes with crimson red armor stood at the forefront of the battle. In his hand was the black blade and it was terrible indeed. He did not attack personally and he had no need to for even the fiercest of angel foot soldiers dared not approach nor could they with his guard, the four Lords. They slaughtered their way around, an honor guard of the highest order. At a signal from the armored figure three of them went out to commit slaughter. One was wearing the breastplate emblazoned with Lord Midnight. The other two were similarly garbed with their own different armors and styles, heroically slaughtering into the Heaven's Armies. However, one Lord stayed behind and as the other three slaughtered their way deep into the Heaven's Armies, he smashed his mercurial sword into his leader's back!

CRUUUNCH!! The sound of metal biting through metal rang through the battlefield and it was as if everything, even the great meeting of flesh, bone, and metal had decided to go mute before it. The Lord of Death spoke calmly with his blade buried in his own commander's back,

" order to win the final battle...we should do all that is necessary. You won't blame me right?" He said with a wicked half serious half playful grin. The commander staggered slightly after being struck in the back. Caught unawares, the mercurial sword dug deep into his armor and through it...presumably the flesh. Dark red blood flowed freely from the cracked armor as the Lord of Death withdrew his mercurial blade. Strangely enough, the commander's face was uncaring, perhaps it might even turn into a grin given enough reason. He opened his mouth,

"My friend...I guess this is goodbye." The commander sounded almost wistful. Like he was parting with a good friend though that friend had just quite literally stabbed him in the back. Suddenly from the sky a great ray of dawn shone down. The three Lords who had been slaughtering their way into thick fields of massacre were caught unaware by the Lord of Death's betrayal. When Heaven's Light shone down so bright they tried to turn back but their commander waved them onwards.

"Keep going my friends. Keep going...find your peace. I hope you know it one day." He waved them on as the scintillating annihilation fell down and shattered upon his cracked armor. He did not crack a smile, but neither did he frown as he received grievous burns atop the wound to his back...then he fell, dissipating into ashes amidst the endless light.

"That moment...that moment was the first time I ever despaired since meeting him. His death, his end, how could it be? How could the Lord of Death betray us? How could he take our commander's back so easily? Why did the Heavens attack at just that moment as if waiting for the opportunity? Even if he betrayed us I knew this man. He out of all of us hated the Heavens with a ragged breath and clenched fist. Even if he betrayed the commander I still doubt that he wished for anything but the Heaven's to topple from their long rule. Why indeed. Lord Chaos led me away though I wished to return and avenge our commander. He led me through fire and flame and we decimated great numbers of Heaven's Armies which had been left defenseless before us. The Heavens paid a heavy price for their sin that day. I wonder if their numbers will ever truly recover. But we paid the gravest price of them all. All hope is lost! HE is lost...and now...I am lost..." The narrating voice grew soft...a slight quiver even coming into it though it remained dignified to the end.


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