8. "that flirty stuff"

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As I step in through the shiny glass double doors, the smell of bacon and eggs hits me like a truck. It's been a few weeks since I dropped off my resume and managed to pull off the interview. Despite my nervousness and never-ending babbling I somehow actually landed the job.

So here I am, walking into my first shift as a waitress. Finally.

I signed in in the back of the kitchen and grabbed one of the light blue colored aprons hanging on the hooks. The place was fairly small and quaint, but it was very neat and organized like a well-oiled machine. There was a place for everything and everything was in its place. Although not the most comfortable, my uniform could be worse. I'm in baby pink golf shorts and a matching polo tee shirt, but at least they don't make me wear a ridiculous hat or anything.

I straightened out my name tag quickly and grabbed a blue pen and notebook for taking orders.

Suddenly, to my surprise, a gorgeously tanned brunette walks into the back of the kitchen. "Dana?" I exclaimed. "You work here too?"

"Yeah," she was surprised to catch me here. "I'm a part-time student so I'm picking up all the shifts I can get. These books ain't gonna pay for themselves." She shakes her head thinking about the overpriced education we're all paying to have. Thankfully I'm fortunate enough that my dad is able to pay my tuition for me.

But as for everything else, I'm on my own.

"But congrats on the job. Guess I'll be seeing you around here often," she pats my shoulder. I'm glad I'll be working with her, she seems like she's got it all down and I need someone to show me the ropes.


Sawyer called me on my first break and to my dismay, he delivered some bad news. Midterms are around the corner for him so he's swamped and our plans this weekend are canceled. Unfortunately for me, that means that I'm stuck here, though I'm sure Camille will be thrilled when she finds out.

I was slightly off-put by that phone call with him because it hurts me knowing I can't do much to help him. He sounded pretty bummed out.

I got my thoughts in order, however, and headed back out to a now awfully hectic restaurant. So far my first day has been going pretty smoothly, but now that dinner time rolled around so did the giant crowd of hungry college students. I've got an hour left to my shift then I'm free, just got to push through.

I come up to the table with a small group of college girls and plaster a pleasant smile on my face, like I'm told, to welcome them into the diner. "Hi, what can I get for you?" 

"Um, a different waitress would be preferable." One of the girls scoffs. She had long flowing blond hair and a body that resembles Kate Hudson's, if Georgia had a long-lost twin it would be her. "I'm sorry?" I ask, unsurely. I wasn't expecting to get hit with such a wave of hostility, this kind of situation was not in the employee manual.

"There are no other waitresses working currently. What's the issue with the diner, might I ask?"

"It's just that you're an ugly little backstabber, that's what," she sneered. "It's not the diner. It's you, hun."

I bite my tongue as my first instinct is to chew her out but I remain silent since my job is at stake here. I'm truly perplexed though, I've never even met this girl before. What the hell could she possibly have against me?

After that incident, I decided to leave them be at their table and move on to the other customers, who were waiting patiently. After this day finally ended all I wanted to do was crash into my somewhat soft and bearable tiny bed.

I finally made it back. Unbuttoning the top buttons on my pink collared shirt, I begin to open the door. I instantly regret walking inside my room after averting my eyes from the scene I've just witnessed. Cam takes her lips off of Parker who was currently laying topless on her bed.

"Woah—I'm sorry", I stutter, covering my eyes feeling guilty for walking in on them like this. "Holly, oh God," she gets off of him, in search of his t-shirt. "I'm so sorry, we thought you had left."

"I'm actually staying for the weekend, but no really, it's fine this is your room too," I say looking around the room in search of something better to look at besides Parker's naked torso. She grabs a hold of the shirt and flings it at him aggressively, motioning for him to put it on.

"I can go if you guys want," I offer, suddenly feeling a bit queasy. "No no, non-sense this is your room, we'll go."

"Seriously it's fine, I want to go for a walk anyways. It's just been a long day, take as long as you need." I wave them off, feeling drained at this point. It took a bit of convincing for her to let me go but when she did I happily shut the door and walked away in the opposite direction.

I don't blame her, if Sawyer was here I'd probably do the same. Oh, how I miss him right now.

We're just too far away. I can't call since he's probably busy and he is clearly way too tired and stressed from studying and I wouldn't want to bother him.

I wanted to get out now more than ever and go anywhere but here. Preferably somewhere with fewer people and fresh air. Anything but the smell of ramen that constantly lingers on my building floor. In my haste to get out of that place and outside I bumped into a tall individual, not knowing who it was.

"My bad." I shake it off, continuing my pursuit outside. "Holly?" Anthony beckons. I turn around to find out that it is indeed him. To think I would have recognized his chest by the countless times that I've collided with it.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asks bluntly.

"I'm not," I try to lie but my head is pretty foggy and even I know that I don't sound convincing.

"Can you just cut the bullshit?"

My eyes are instantly drawn to his and I feel intimidated by the fiery look inside of them. My walls come down and I take the stern expression on his face into account. "I'm just not feeling okay," I say softly. 

Suddenly his cold exterior melts away and he reaches a hand to place on my shoulder in attempts to comfort me. I step away, avoiding his touch.

"This is—a nice look." He points out my uniform. "I didn't have time to change." I cross my arms.

He furrows his brows, noticing my somber mood. "You know what would help?" He insinuates.

I think about it for a minute before I figure out what he's hinting at. At this point, it's been a long day and I've got nothing better to do.

He examines my face as I think. His eyes almost peering into my soul, like he's compelling me. Suddenly this smirk appears on his face, the kind that would melt any girl's heart. Any girl but me.

"Okay, but if you're gonna teach me you can't do any of that," I wave my hands around his face and he acts all confused when really he knows exactly what I'm talking about, I can see right through him. "None of that flirty stuff you use on other girls. I told you, I have a—"

"—boyfriend," he interrupts. "Yeah, I know. You keep mentioning," he murmurs dryly.

I ignore his backhanded comment. "Deal?"


Next update: July 22

So sorry for the late update, I had technical difficulties! Also, apologies if the story seems a bit boring I'm trying to make it interesting and I've got a lot planned for future chapters! Feedback is always appreciated, thank you loves!

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