Chapter 2

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August ~ Present day

"Happy birthday, Lex!"

A few dozen faces greeted me as I descended the stairs. I smiled and tried not to think about how many fire code violations we were committing.

Our shared house near the state college campus in San Diego was small, but new. The hardwood, granite and stainless steel were perks. The fact that it didn't reek of pot had been the real deal-maker.

As I glanced across the room I spotted the one thing guaranteed to ruin any birthday.

Jake Marsden, laughing in the middle with a circle of guys and girls sprawled on my living room furniture.

Every muscle in my body tightened. 

It was nice to see familiar faces, but the dull ache in my chest reminded me many were mutual friends of Jake's and mine. I'd gotten Ava and our roommates in the breakup at the start of the summer. It wasn't clear where the others fell.

It was the first I'd seen him in three months, and as much as I hated to admit it, Jake looked good. 

His short, dirty-blond hair  was the topping on a hard body, earned from playing football at a school that worshipped sports and expected the world from its heroes.

Jake was that "first crush" guy that makes your head spin and all the other girls send jealous looks because he smiled at you. He'd been the perfect boyfriend, right through junior year of college.

Right up until he'd dumped me out of the blue.

I could still remember Jake's voice down the line when I'd called to tell him about the summer advertising internship I'd won. That's great, babe. Listen ... you going to New York is a good thing. I've been thinking lately that we're going in different directions, you know?

I didn't know. I couldn't have been more surprised if he'd declared that he was actually gay and had decided to run away to become a backup dancer for Lady Gaga.

And here's the thing. Given this was my twenty-first birthday, an almost four-year relationship was a big deal. 

Basically nineteen percent of my life had been spent holding hands, making out, and fused at various bodily junctures to Jake Marsden.

I hadn't expected to get over him instantly, but watching him laugh now had my chest tightening. 

I didn't want to be with him anymore, but I also didn't want him in my face. 

Or in my house.

I looked around for a distraction. My eyes landed on our kitchen table. Sitting in the center was a round purple cake made to look tufted with the help of fondant and pearls. 

An impressive collection of mini-kegs, bottles, and cans surrounded the cake. A tiny, violet island adrift in a sea of impending bad decisions.

I reached for the hard stuff. Alright, Captain Morgan. Permission to come aboard.

"Lex! Oh my God I haven't seen you in forever! When'd you get back from New York?" My roommate Jen descended, folding me in her toned arms.

"This afternoon. The party was a surprise." I made a mental note to kill Ava. "A nice one," I amended at her crestfallen face. 

Then the blinding smile was back. "Good! Did I tell you I met Justin Timberlake running a half marathon this summer?" 

I listened attentively to her story, reaching across the table to pour myself another few fingers.

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