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No way... Ares Hwang? Whatever happened to Hwang Minhyun!

It all made sense now, why he had seemed a little surprised that she hadn't heard about him or what he had been up to all these years. Everyone else in the entire country probably knew who he was, except her.

Despite having a dream of being a top hairstylist one day, Hyejin had never been one to keep up with the trends. Instead of spending all her money on fashion magazine subscriptions, she chose to be content with doodling her own designs in her notebooks. Over the years, she had accumulated over twenty fully-filled notebooks that was chock full of her own imagination. Unfortunately that meant that she had little idea about what was going on in the world outside—the only famous person she knew of was Kara Jung, and only because she was every army boy's dream girl and they always talked about her when they came into the shop to get their hair cut.

From the moment she saw Ares on TV, she immediately went into a bit of a daze. She even almost tripped over herself on her way out of the house, much to her brother's alarm. Now, she was giving a haircut to yet another army boy and really wasn't paying much attention to the hair.

It wasn't until her customer threw his phone onto the counter in a rage did she somewhat snap back into reality.

"It's just one bloody haircut, does she need to go gaga all over him? Sheesh!" he muttered in annoyance.

"Why the bad mood so early in the morning?" Hyejin asked.

The boy picked up his phone and showed her a photo. "Look at this, does he look that handsome? My girlfriend has been swooning over him all morning saying that this hairstyle makes him look like the most handsome man on earth. Are you kidding me? My hair looks just about the same and she's never said that about me."

Hyejin nearly choked right there and then. The photo he was showing her was a photo of Ares, complete with the two lightning bolts she had shaved into his head just last night. In fact, Ares had been seated in the very same chair that the boy was now sitting in.

"It's not that special," she said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Exactly! Why can't she see things the way you do?" her customer replied, pulling a face. "She says all her friends agree with her and that they're all getting their boyfriends to get the exact same haircut. I'm the only one who can't because my staff sergeant would throw me into the detention barracks if I did."

"Don't worry, these celebrities change their hairstyles every day. Tomorrow he'll have a new haircut and maybe it'll be real ugly," Hyejin offered helpfully. She sure hoped that Ares would get a new hairstyle soon, so that she wouldn't have to see her handiwork splashed all over the media.

Now that she knew Minhyun's real identity, she was totally regretting the haircut that she gave him yesterday.

Celebrities like Ares got their hair cut at high-end salons where they would have dozens of stylists and assistants busy attending to their every whim and fancy, not at a tiny old-fashioned barber shop that looked like it came straight from the early 1900s. So far the commentary about the haircut seemed to be fairly good, but who knows what could have gone wrong along the way? What if it had turned out badly and the critics panned it even more than the poodle hairdo?

"Oh God what if his head is insured..." she mumbled under her breath.

Imagine if she had accidentally given him a small cut because she hadn't been paying enough attention to the razor. That might have been a mistake that would have cost her and her family a hundred times more than what her brother could ever gamble away. She thanked her lucky stars that nothing like that happened.

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