Chapter Thirty Two

33 4 16

Junie's POV

I wake up and rub my face as I feel a paper on my forehead.

Why is there a piece of paper on my forehead?

I pull it off and read it.


You probably don't even know who I am when you're reading this...

I just can't stand it.

Seeing you with someone else is breaking me.

I can't deal with it anymore.

I just want to end everything.

So I am.

I'm gonna jump into the Han River...

There is no point of living if the person that I love is with someone else...


And just know that I love you, even if you don't know me.❤

Loving you always,



Where do I know that...


It can't be...


The pain comes back and I hear more voices.

"Hey, I only held your waist because I didn't have my pillow to hold."

"Haha. V hyung hugs a pillow in his sleep"

"Who is V?"

"Oh... We are making a music group and his stage name is V. Mine is RM and Hoseok hyung's is J-Hope."

"Hey, Yoongi hyung, you should join our group!"

"No thanks. I don't sing..."

"You could rap like me and Namjoon."

"Come on Yoongi!!"

'Ugh... Okay, fine. But only 'cause Junie wants me to..."

I remember...

I remember everything!

But, wait.


I think about the fact that he loves me and the decision he made and wrote to me and tears fall uncontrollably.

"YOONGI!" I yell as I sob.

"What!? What happened!?" He runs in.

"I remember everything..." I cry.

"That's great! You really remember everything!? Wait... Why are you crying...?"

I throw the paper at him as I curl up in a ball and sob harder.

"Jin! Jin, come quick!" He yells.

"What!? What's wrong!?" He runs in with a frying pan ready to hit someone with.

"We need to go to the Han River. Now." Yoongi says.

"Okay...?" Jin says in a questioning voice as he slowly brings the pan down.

Yoongi then shoves the paper in Jin's face and runs up to me and picks me up and runs down to the car.

Jin comes running down quickly after and gets in the car and drives to the Han River.

Once we are close, I unbuckle and get out.

I run over and see a figure standing on the edge of the bridge above the river.

I run to the bridge and yell.


Taehyung's POV

I stand at the edge of the bridge and take a deep breath.

Junie doesn't love you.

She has a boyfriend.

There is no point in living.

As I am about to leap off the safe barrier between me and the river, I hear a familiar voice.


I look over and see the girl I learned to love running toward me.

Before I can even blink, she tackles me and hugs me as hard as someone with her small frame could manage.

"Tae. Don't." She cries into my shirt.

"Wha-" I start.

I then feel a warm feeling on my lips.

My eyes widen and I notice that Junie just kissed me.


A/N: hehe. Enjoy


I was asked to promote someone's book so being the good friend I am, I will.

Go check out Park_Hyerim93 and read her book called Love, Lies, and Royalty

Until next time...✌

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