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Aprils pov

Jason leads the way to his quarters all the while not letting go of my hand.

"April " He calls and my name has never sounded so damn good !

"Yeah" I say breathlessly.

Gosh April! Control yourself! He smirks as if knowing the effect he has on me.

"We're here" He says. His house is next to a small lake and a forest surrounding it.... Its beautiful!

There is no more I can say. No right word can depict its beauty.

He opens the door and I'm instantly hit with his scent which is mixed with a more feminine smell and I instantly know who it belongs to....


Rage and anger fills me and I feel like tearing that bitch apart for having what's mine but I control it.

Snow however is a different story. She takes control but remains in human form, She paces back and forth around the small living room while sniffing.

She looks ready to kill so before she can kill anyone , I force her back and take full control.

Jason seems to realise what's going on and he immediately gives me an apologetic look and disappears into one room.

He comes back with an air freshener and sprays the entire house within two minutes while I try to calm Snow.

"Mate had another woman in here?" She asks.

"Yes.. I think so." I reply sadly.

"I think they slept-" I cut her off and block her because I really can't go through that emotional trauma right now.

"Ap-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Where's my bedroom?" I ask.

"Look April, I really am sorry I didn't realise that her scent still lingered here." He says apologetically.

"Its okay , I get it. Where's my room?" I ask.

He looks defeated and gives me a forced smile before walking me down the hall and stopping in front of a wooden door.

"This is yours." He says while opening the door.

Damn! What if she's been here too? Or worse what if they've already done IT here before ?

"Um... She has never stepped foot in this room before." He says as if reading my mind.

I just nod cause I mean , what else can a girl do?

"Do you need anything?" He asks as I sit on the bed.

"Yes. Please get Dylan Lane here." I say.

One minute I'm sitting on the bed , the next I'm on his lap with his nose in the crook of my neck. He inhales my scent to calm himself down.. From what though? I don't know.

"MINE!"  He growls.

"SAY YOU ARE MINE!" Damn! Its déjà vu all over again. I can't bear it if he did the same thing again and so I just remain silent.

He growls in pain clearly hurt by my actions but hey, what can I do about it?

He stands up and gently places  me back on the bed and before he turns to leave , he looks at me and says :

"I am sorry for what I did earlier today. I truly am, I just hope that one day you can trust that I won't hurt you... Not anymore."


Hey guys!

As promised here is another chapter..

Hope you liked it 😘

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