Chapter Nine

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It's been a week since the incident, and I swear it affected Nick more than myself. At first, I tried to talk to him, but every time I would, he would give me a one-word reply or just ignore me. After the first couple days, I didn't bother trying. He closed off, and I won't do anything until he opens up again.

He's always in his office or at work. I rarely see him. When I cook for him, he takes the plate and leaves to his office.

It's safe to say I'm bored. I have done everything possible in this mansion: read, swam, worked out, you name it. It was okay before since at least I could talk to someone, but now, I can't.

I was also getting frustrated with not being able to go outside. I haven't been out since he took me to the Garden, and I'm dying to go out again.

So now, I'm sneaking out. It was around one o'clock in morning. It wasn't the best time to go out since it's night and Manhattan isn't the safest place at night, but it's the only time I can sneak out. During the day, he's gone, but the guards are everywhere. During the night, they're still here, but they're dozed off, so it's easier to sneak out.

As soon as I made it out of the house, I ran for the fence. I easily climbed over and got onto the other side with all the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I was lucky that his house was only about half a mile outside of Manhattan so I easily made my way into the city.

I spent about an hour walking to Central Park. It was probably a really stupid idea to go into Central Park at 2:30 am, but I didn't care. I felt happy. I felt free— like all my problems disappeared.

I took a deep breath, enjoying the coolness of the air. Central Park was beautiful: the hum of wind rustling through the leaves, the clear night sky, the city lights peaking through the scenery.

About half way though my walk, it started snowing. I smiled as I watched the flakes fall from the sky and land on the ground, some melting almost immediately. About 15 minutes later, the snow had really picked up, but I didn't care; I loved it. About an inch or two covered the ground, and I had to have some fun.

I made some snowballs and threw them at some trees. I made a snowman and a snow angel. I smiled at the fun you can have in the snow. In the back of my mind, though, I was wishing a certain someone was here to enjoy it with me.

I saw a playground in the distance. My eyes zeroed in on the swings. When I was a child, the swings were my favorite.

I ran to them and brushed off the snow from the seat. Swinging made me feel so free, so child-like. The wind blew through my hair, and my eyes enjoyed the view of the city lights. I felt the magnificent aura of New York City again, and I'm scared to leave it. It's something I could never live without, and I'm scared he would keep me in that house forever.

I probably should go back now. I checked my watch. 4:30. Crap! I should get back if I hope to get any sleep.

It took about an hour to get back. I quietly opened the door, which I left unlocked. I took off my shoes and coat so the snow wouldn't get all over the floor.

I quietly opened the door to my bedroom and tip toed in. Once I closed the door, I turned around, shocked at what I saw.

Nick was sitting, his back to me, on my bed.

I fearfully walked towards him, and once I was at his side, he spoke up.

"Where were you?" He growled out.

"I was in the city." I mumbled.

"Do you know how late it is?" He once again growled out.

"I do." I mumbled.

His angry gaze snapped towards mine.

"What was going through your mind to think it's perfectly fine to roam around a city in the middle of the night when you know how many dangerous criminals are out there?!" He yelled.

I was getting a bit riled up from his yelling, and I was angry too from him not letting me go anywhere.

"What was going through your mind when you thought it would be perfectly fine to keep me here all day long, bored out of my mind?! Oh and also have no one to talk to since you completely ignored me?!" I yelled back. I kind of regretted it when a whole new level of angry washed over his face.

He grabbed my waist and threw me on the bed. I squealed. He moved over on top of me, pressing his body down on mine so I wouldn't move. His hand brought mine above my head, pinning them there. His furious eyes locked with mine.

"It's all for your safety! It's a dangerous world, and I can't let you be put in danger!" He shouted.

"I would rather be put in danger than be locked up in here all day and night." I spat.

"Would you? Would you really?" He spat right back.

"Yes! Don't you see it! I can't live like this! I would rather take my chances in Central Park in the middle of the night than stay here doing nothing!"

"Wait. You went to Central Park?! Are you trying to get killed?!" He was once again yelling.

"Yes, I went to Central Park! And you know what?! I was happy! I was so happy! I felt alive. I felt like I was living. Completely different than what I feel here." I got quieter as I kept talking, looking away from him at my last few words.

His eyes softened. "Are you really unhappy here?" He whispered.

"I don't know. Not always. Just when I'm alone and have nothing to do, which has been quite often recently." I whispered.

He sighed and dropped his body weight on me, letting go of my arms and wrapping his around me. He laid his head in the crook of my neck, and laid there for a few moments.

He sighed. "I'm sorry." He mumbled out.

"I'm sorry too." I whispered.

He lifted himself off me, running a hand through his hair.

"You should get some sleep. I'll make myself breakfast tomorrow, so you can sleep in." He got off my bed and made his way toward the door.

He turned back to me. "Goodnight, Amelia."

"Goodnight, Nick." I gave him a small smile. The unknown emotion flashed in his eyes again. He quickly turned and closed the door.

I sighed once he was out of my room and let out a yawn. Hmmm... I should get some sleep.

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