•Pie For All•

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Dean grinned as he placed the large bag down on the kitchen table.
"Dean, What is that?" Sam asked as he walked in, carrying your small body. Yes, the boys were watching you again, but more because they loved to. You were just so freakin' cute! And we all know how Dean is practically a mama.
"This, Sammy, is a bag." He motioned to the bag in a funny way, making you giggle. Sam just rolled his eyes.
"No, I mean, what is IN the bag." Sam clarified and rubbed his temples with his free hand. "You know what I meant."
"Inside this bag... is pie! About five of them." He said almost proudly, and opened up the bag, reveling the pies. Sam could only face palm. "For all of us to share!"
"Dean, you know I don't eat that, and (Name) is literally an infant and she doesn't have teeth yet. How is she suppose to eat it?"
"Why can't you just thank me for once?!" He pouted and folded his arms like a child. You babbled loudly and made "grabby" hands towards Dean. "At least someone thanks my efforts."
"You efforts for stuffing your own face with pie?"
"Shut it Sam! Now you get no pie!"

You sat in your high chair, a piece of pie sat in front of your little face, as Dean started to cut a slice for himself.
"Now that is pie. And it's pretty good. I think you'll like it." Dean told you as he put his own piece on a plate. You cooed, picked up the piece of pie, with your chubby baby hands, and shoved the chunk into your mouth, grinning happily. "I think you like it." Dean smirked, before you spit the pie out, hitting him with the chewed up piece.
Dean gagged and cleaned his face off.  You couldn't help but laugh. "That is not funny, (Name)! You eat food not use it as a weapon!" He put his hands on his hips, and broke out in a pout.

Sam walked in and laughed. "Aw did Dean get attacked by (Name)?" He scooped you up into his arms. You happily patted the cheek of the tall moose man. Dean rolled his eyes.
"She literally spit pie into my face, at an ungodly speed." Dean whined and folded his arms. Shaking his head, Sam continued to rock you, earning a giggle from you.
"Dean is silly isn't he?" He asked you and bounced you up and down in his arms. You cooed and curled closer to the moose, and looked at Dean with those big, innocent eyes.
"None Of you get pies now." Dean growled and hugged the four remaining boxes of pie. Sam simply shrugged and walked out with you, deciding it was time for your nap.

"Saaaaaaammmmmyyy...." a whined escaped from the kitchen, gaining the younger brother's attention. He had laid you down for a nap about an hour ago, and hadn't heard from Dean since. The moose got up from his comfy place on the couch, were he was reading, and walked into the kitchen.
"Saaaaammmyyyy..." Dean's body was leaning on the table, his head resting on empty pie tins. "I ate...." He burped. "I ate all the pie..." he moaned and looked up at Sam.
"You ate... all of the pie. Don't you have self control?" Sam rested a hand on his hip.
"No. No I don't." Dean whined. Sam rolled his eyes and walked away from his brother.
"You did this to yourself." Sam whistler and sat back down on the couch and picked up his book.


Lil' Angel (Supernatural x Baby!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now