Ch. 3

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When Peter woke up in the morning, he found himself buried in fluffy blankets and lost in a huge bed. Crawling out from under the blankets, he peered curiously around the room. It was dark except for the nightlight, but looking out his door revealed that sunlight was already streaming into the Tower.

He sat up in his bed and looked around his room. It was big. Everything Tony had was big. Peter wasn't used to big and lots, but he didn't mind it at all.

"JARVIS?" Peter asked, looking up at the ceiling.

"Good morning, Peter," JARVIS replied. He flipped the panels on the windows so sunlight streamed into the room. He also turned off the nightlight and alerted Tony that Peter had woken up.

"Whoa," Peter said, sliding out of the bed and walking over to the windows.

He looked out across New York City with wide eyes. From here, he could see everything. When he looked down, he grinned at how high up he was. No one was taller than him when he was up here. He was the king of the world.

"Peter? Are you hungry?" a voice called down the hall.

Peter scrambled away from the window and ran down the hall. Looking around, he tried to figure out where he was then spotted the kitchen.

It was Miss Pepper in the kitchen, but she was smiling and not scolding Tony, so Peter happily climbed up on a stool to watch her cook.

"Miss Pepper?" he asked. Pepper hummed and glanced at him. "Tony said you're a nice person, so I decided to be your friend."

"I'm glad," she said, giving Peter a smile that he quickly returned. "I wouldn't want you to hate me if you're going to be sticking around for a while."

Peter agreed and squealed in delight when Pepper handed him a plate of eggs. Giving him a fork, she warned him that they were still hot and asked if he wanted orange juice. The answer was an immediate yes.

"Oranges are yummy," Peter said, licking his lips after taking a big sip.

"Yes, they are," Pepper said before called Tony in to come get some food too. "I already ate," she told him, handing him a plate with the remaining eggs. "So I'm going down to start work."

He nodded as he took a bite of his eggs. As they burned his mouth, he gasped loudly and fumbled for a glass of orange juice. Pepper just rolled her eyes. After kissing Tony's cheek, she disappeared into the lift and left Peter and Tony to themselves.

"So, kid," Tony said, picking up another forkful of eggs and blowing on it. "I was thinking we should get you some more clothes. You might be here for a while and you could use some."

"Really?" Peter asked, smiling and dropping some eggs in the process. He picked them off the counter and put them back on his plate.

"Yeah," Tony replied, "We'll leave after breakfast."

Once Tony had put their dishes in the dishwasher and grabbed his wallet, he and Peter went down to the garage and got in a car. Tony knew Peter probably needed a car seat, but he didn't have one. Instead, he settled for an Audi with a comfortable backseat and made sure Peter was buckled in.

Stopping at the first store they saw, Tony took Peter inside to find some clothes he could change into immediately. There wasn't much selection, but Tony managed to find jeans and a t-shirt for Peter to wear for the rest of their time in the city. As soon as they bought the clothes, Tony took Peter into the bathroom to change. Once he was out of his ragged clothes, they got back in the car and headed to a better store.

"Tony?" Peter asked, sliding out of the car at their next stop. "Do the people with cameras know you?"

"Where?" Tony asked, grabbing Peter's hand as he looked around for the paparazzi.

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