What the F***

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When our eyes met I felt an explosion send shockwaves though my body. My senses peaked and it hit me suddenly and unexpectedly. I understood what it meant. It was exactly how Jenna described it. I felt everything; love, happiness, security, and serenity. I heard the stories and my experience matched them perfectly.

She is my Mate.

My eyes are unable to focus I blinked a few times to only to fine her eyes glued to mine. Lydia's eyes were changing right in front of me from the most perfect blue to the purest purple.

Holy shit.

I can't believe this. I'm not completely proud of my reaction but before I could stop myself I began to run.

I exited the door running down the stairs, out the exit and onto the sidewalk. A few seconds later I'm joined by Jenna.

"What the fuck!" She screamed.

I couldn't tell if it was a question or statement.

"We have to leave get the car." I almost cried. The whole time I'm speaking I keep my eyes closed trying to hide my purple glare from the people roaming the streets of the City.

"What happened please tell me you at least got felt up?"

"God damnit Jenna can you stop joking for two fucking seconds!" This time she saw the color of my eyes.

"Holy fuck." She blurted out as one of my minions opened the car door for us to climb in.

I couldn't get my thoughts out verbally but that did not stop Jenna from talking.

"She's your Mate isn't she?"

I nodded.

"I thought she was human Kaitlyn what the hell?"

"I thought so too."

Is it possible that she was a Hybrid? My anger started to flare. How could I have not known there was a hybrid in one of my territories? I'm going to have to speak to the authorities here. It's their job to keep me informed about matters like this. Although we did not prosecute hybrids it was essential that report their presents to the proper authorities. If a high-ranking vampire wanted to become more powerful all they would have to do is enslave them and drink thief blood. If they register their status and location with us at least we can keep an eye on the situation and protect them as needed.

"I think she's a Hybrid." I confessed.

"That's not possible Kaitlyn if she is a hybrid how could she be your Mate?" Jenna made a very good point.

What is she?

"Turn around take us back to Hearts." I inform the driver. "I need to find out. Now."


When we make it back to the VIP section I notice Kelly blocking the office door.

"Where is she?" I asked the wanna be vampire guard standing in front of me.

"I'm sorry but I can't..." I didn't let her finish. I threw her out of my way.

"First of all I'm your fucking Queen and second, if you stand between me and my Mate again I will fucking rip your head off."

I don't even know where that came from. I usually have more control of myself and could assert authority with just my words very rarely did I have to use force.

Kelly stayed down propping herself up on her elbows as I entered Lydia's office clearly uninvited.

Sam was sitting next to Lydia with one arm draped over her giving me the impression that he was comforting her. Had I caused her pain? That very thought made me hate myself.

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