7 // Moonstones & Suspicions

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When night fell, Severus Snape strode the silent corridors of the castle, drifting much like one of the many resident ghosts, who took no notice of the black-clothed professor walking in their midst. He came to the stone gargoyle on the floor of the highest tower and muttered "Lemon drops," to the sneering creature. The gargoyle leapt aside. Snape entered the revealed entrance and climbed the steps to the Headmaster's office. He knocked on the door.

"Come in, Severus."

Albus waited for him, leaning against his desk, hands folded before himself as he watched the flickering flames within the hearth. A dish of sweet candies sat on the desk at his side, and as Severus slid into one of the comfortable armchairs, Albus proffered the dish and offered him some. Snape shook his head.

"Have it your way, Severus. What have you discovered today?"

"Nothing of true note," Snape admitted, hand coming to rest on his chin in thought. He too stared at the fire, at the snap and crackle of ever-burning wood. He inhaled the smell of hickory and it eased his less than tranquil mind. "My suspicions of Quirrell have yet to prove...fruitful, yet I'm convinced something of the man is not what it seems." His lip curled, annoyed by his own lack of evidence. "I found him and your new hire in one of the classrooms this afternoon."

"Oh?" Albus's brow rose in interest. "I assume you mean Ms. Dullahan."

"Yes. They were shaking hands."

Snape saw Albus consider and dismiss this info. "Quirinus offered to escort Ms. Dullahan to her classroom."

"Perhaps it was a ruse? An excuse to conduct a meeting?"

Albus shook his head, then stroked his beard. "While I found Quirinus's offer puzzling, I do not sense anything malicious to Ms. Dullahan's person. Their interaction at dinner was stilted at best."

Snape wasn't convinced. He knew well the guile an innocent face could hide, and while the new Magical Theory professor seemed harmless in appearance, she had sharp eyes and hadn't balked at Severus's intimidating presence. "Any person who seeks access to the school this term is suspect, Headmaster."

"Of course," Albus demurred. He popped another candy into his mouth. "She is an Occlumens. An accomplished one."

"And you don't find that suspicious?" Snape demanded, taken aback. "Those who practice Occlumency are those who have something to hide."

Albus shrugged. "Or she simply enjoys her privacy. Ms. Dullahan pretended she didn't detect my intrusion but did offer a sense of her intent and of her gratitude. I have verified her references, several from wizards and witches I know personally who could not be Confounded or coerced into giving false praise. Griselda was among the references."

Snape grimaced, waving a hand. "Madam Marchbanks is half senile, Headmaster. Her word means little."

Albus frowned, and when his reply came, it was given in a strict tone. "I trust Griselda's opinion very much, Severus. Old she may be, but foolish she is not. In our correspondence, she confided to me a certain disquiet in Ms. Dullahan's behavior, though she would not say more upon the matter. She asked I do what I could for the woman."

"This disquiet could be a shift in Dullahan's allegiance, if indeed that allegiance has not already been sold." Snape's brow furrowed, because there was something to the woman he did not like, something he could not place, like a missed step on the stairs. Harmless in and of itself, but abrupt and stumbling all the same.

"Ever suspicious, Severus." Even though his voice carried an amused note, Dumbledore's eyes didn't twinkle. "We will be wary. We cannot afford to blindly offer trust in these times. I have the oddest inkling that I have met Ms. Dullahan before, and yet...I cannot say where."

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