Chapter 1

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Ashley's PoV.

"Don't worry Johnny, it's not you. It's me." I pause for dramatic effect then crack a smile. "I'm just kidding it's totally you, you're like a manwhore, I mean. Who has sex on the first date?"

The brown haired boy stares at me in utter confusion, as I grab my bags, and some of his amazing perfume, then leaving the house,slam his door in his face.

I tap my magical bracelet as I am taken back to the organization.

"Another victory boss." Chelsea greets me, she's been working with me for a long time. I give her respect for that, cus she always gets me out of trouble.

I walk up to Helen and smile triumphantly. "My client will meet her true friend, in 3,2,1." We fast forward the scene of Johnny crying, into his future and we see him and a woman, doing....... " Would you turn that off. It's disgusting."

Helen laughs like crazy. "I thought you could handle porn."
"Leave me alone." I groan.
"So, are you ready for your next assignment?"
I nod.
"Good. Meet Orlando Blue." She points to the screen.
I laugh. "Is he a person or a centre for Disney land."
"Look at the screen boss." Chelsea nudges me.
"Whatever for———-." I loose whatever I am saying as I come face to screen with the boy I need to seduce, damn, he fine. This is gonna be fun. "Computer." I start.
"Yes Ashley." She replies.
"Show me shirt off."
Computer does as I say.
Again. Shall I say. Damnnnnnnnnnn.
"A lot of people have tried this case. And a lot want it. Would you like———."
"Computer info." Helen says.

Subject name: Orlando blue.
Subject likes: No info.
Subject dislikes: No info.

That is all the information available.

"Whoa. That's a complicated case." Chelsea says. "Can you handle it."
"Yeah. I can do it, I have to do it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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