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I walk out of the supermarket with probably the biggest eye bags in history. Four shifts and I was finally done, the only thing roaming in my mind was my bed and my bed only. I adjust my dads large jacket, and start fidgeting with my hair. I swear long hair was a curse, if I had a scissor at this moment I would have cut it off this instant instead of going through this 'struggling to pull it out from beneath the jacket' drama.

University was opening soon so I have to give up some shifts, which I would gladly do, but at the same time I didn't want to because that would mean being more dependent on my parents. Paying for my cost of living and my university fees was enough financial burden for them. University was free but there were some needed equipments and textbooks my parents were required to invest in. I don't want to be of more burden to them after them spending nearly all their money on my treatments.

All my jobs are good and they give good pay but I need a break from some of them. University plus working four shifts was torment, I needed my degree as much as I needed to be independent. Of course I would never leave the coffee bar, so I'd have to quit from the supermarket because I hated fake smiling at incompetent customers and the restaurant because I'm gaining weight from eating all the remains. The fourth shift payed really well out of all the rest and it was just babysitting the cutest little girl so that definitely remains.

I hold the jacket tighter around myself when a cold breeze fly's by making my teeth chatter. I start anticipating whether I should walk all the way home or just sleep over at Sam's house which is closer.

"Your nose is red," I yelp, quickly turning back around to meet the culprit who dared interrupt my anticipation period.

"Motherly fudges of all gummy bears! You scared me you Dumb wit!"

"Motherly what?" He chuckles, pushing himself off the wall and walks towards me.

"I don't swear," I tuck my hands into my jacket pockets because they were shivering, either from being scared of this man who managed to follow me here or because it was cold.

"Well ma'am substituting swearing with whatever that was, with the intention of swearing is still swearing," I instinctively move away from him when he moves closer to me, he notices and stops, I stop too. I watch as his pale hands find their way into his hoodies pocket.

"Well, it's the effort that counts," I look him down and up to check if he had any weapons on him, until I reach his sparkling eyes which had the audacity to wink at me.

"You really were eager to check me out," I scoff and start walking away from him, I don't hear his footsteps following which makes me feel relieved.

"Whats your name?" I shout but don't turn around to look if he was still standing there when I know I am a safe distance away from him.

"My names Barry Allen." I stop in my tracks and look down at what I was wearing. A fan art of Barry Allen proposing to Iris West, a small speech bubble on top of Barry's head with the words "Iris West, will you please, oh please make me the happiest men in Central City and marry me?" I turn back around and squint my eyes at the so called Barry Allen, a small smile on my lips.

"You've got quite the eye young man, but I'll have you know that Barry Allen does not stalk people," he walks towards me until I can somewhat make out his face under that hoodie of his.

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