Chapter 39

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" You need to eat properly dear." Sama said while I tried to eat the soup she made for me. I know I need to eat properly but I can't force eat as well.

" Sama I can't eat anymore." I said while pushing the bowl slightly away. She wasn't buying any of my excuses since I have come back from Paris. It's been a week and today is me off from work because of what Sama is behind me to eat something while I'm trying to digest what I ate last night. God, I can' take this anymore. I'll puke if I eat any more of this soup.

" But dea-" I interrupted her by standing up and walking in the toilet straight. If I was a foodie a week ago then I'll be the biggest hater of food now. I can't even stand the sight of food anymore.


I poured my ass out in the toilet and then walked out. Sama was holding the bowl of soup in her hand which made me nauseous again. I ignored the feeling and walked downstairs while Sama followed me. I want something cold. Ice cream or some juice.

On reaching the kitchen I opened the fridge and found one big bottle of freshly made orange juice. I couldn't wait to pour it into a glass and drank from the mouth. This was a bliss. The coldness of orange juice was just everything I was wishing. I didn't know I had my eyes closed the whole time but when I opened it Sama was smiling at me. The bowl was no longer in her hands.

Thank the holy God!

My weekend went real quick and It was already Monday. While sitting in my office I checked the horrible cutouts that I have to organize in order to get Aron sign on these papers. He was also busy doing all the work we missed when we were in Paris. I wanted to close my eyes and sleep here on the desk but that's quite inappropriate even when Aron is a good understanding Boss/Friend. Putting all my strength I started to work a little harder.

After which felt like years I was done with my work, I went out to eat. I didn't really invite anyone so I was pretty much lonely while I sat on the café's chair with a large slice of carrot in one hand while the other held a big burger in it. If this wasn't heaven then I don't know what was. But deep down I know that this heaven right now will be making me suffer later. My child just hate fast food it seems.

I was casually eating when I got this creepy feeling of someone watching. This feeling is weird because I have had this a couple of times this week and it gets weirder day by day. I looked straight up to come in direct contact with the person looking at me and guess who's it?

The FUCKING cashier?

She's a blonde with freckles all over her slim face. I don't think I'm pretty enough for her to actually look at me this way. Is there something on my face? I quickly took a tissue cleaned my face which wasn't having much on it except for a breadcrumb here and there but I doubt she'll be able to see it from this far. I am sitting quite at a distance from the counter. She was looking even after I caught her eyeing me like that.

But I had it enough... if she's the one who is following and spying on me then today's her last day. I still know how to fight.

I walked up to her leaving my bag on the table. She looked surprised that I am coming up to her. She must've thought I came for something as her expression changes to a very formal one not showing her weird eye look which freaks you out. Reaching her I crossed my arms over my chest and smiled at her.

She smiled back in an awkward way.

" Am I that pleasing?" I asked rather calmly. Her face showed confusion all over. If you're spying you should spy with your brains and not with eyes. Well, you do need eyes as well but yeah... you get my point.

" Um... Sorry?" she asked with a super confused face.

" What's the matter, bro? I'm not a lesbo if that's what you're spying on me for." Her eyes were wide open but she didn't speak shit. I smiled a little more. More like fake smiled.

"What happened? Cat got your tongue?" I asked while she looked somewhere behind me as if trying to grab attention. Following her direction of eyes, I looked behind me. If she is playing around with me then she can go to hell because there was no human out there. In fact, I was the only one left in this café.

" Ma'-am.. You are misunderstanding me. I can't actually understand what you are saying. Do you need something." she said so confidently that I was literally shocked. Not that I let it be seen on my face but still. Unfolding my crossed hands, I narrowed my eyes.

" Shut up with this crap! You are spying on me and it's very obvious. Don't play dumb games with me." I spoke in a low voice while my finger pointed at her. She looked like she was searching for someone. The very moment when I was going to speak again the café's door opened making a shrill voice coming out of the door. She moved faster than anything. I turned around to check the asshole who interrupted me.

It was a man who sat facing the other side of the café not making it easier to get to know who's he. The atmosphere was quite humid even if the AC was on. I can't really stay out this long because Sama will be waiting for dinner and even if I don't eat anything I have to be there on the table.

Not really caring about that blondie I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the café. She works here and I don't think it'll be tough for me to talk to her in my kind of way.

I got in my car- oh wait... did I say that I got a car from the office?

Aron said that it's the company's policy. So I got a brand new car.

Starting the engine of the car I sped up to the direction of Sama's house. I really want to get myself an apartment as soon as possible. I can't depend on them anymore. I like living with them but this is tough. I don't like getting attached to people this fast. I know there are no worries anymore. No worries about having someone come up to me to destroy me for some reason. No Cayden anymore.

The thought disappointed me. The reason was something I didn't want to accept. Not anymore. I should seriously forget all the thoughts of him.

The car ride made me dizzy and I am sure I will puke now. Parking the door outside the house I puked on the side bush. This goddam thing just doesn't stop and I doubt it will anytime soon. 





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