🚿CHAPTER - 39🚿

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Krithi's POV:

Well, well, this is what I exactly  wanted!!!

This reaction from him that concluded his outstanding performance.

The nerve of this bloody man to fool me.

I mean, seriously!!
What's he thinking by acting all drunken when we both clearly know that he is as sober as he can with the little alcohol in his system..

Because we have here, the great Hruday Aurora, the most calculated , conceited and idiotic person in the world.

When I saw him in the bar, I felt so sad that he got drunk because of me and my stupid antics.

I started helping him towards his car that's when I realised that something is wrong.

I may not say this out loud but everyone know that this boy is gold.

He might be a bit arrogant and all but he doesn't have any bad habits.

As far as I know he never drank, not before me. Neither did anyone tell me.

Even if he drinks today I am sure he knows his limits. He will not drink and drive after seeing all the patients who had terrible accidents.

And worse the effect on their family if anything happens to them.

His actions in the car may have left me all hot and bothered. 

But they laid a strong foundation for my already building suspicion!!

I took him to our room carefully all the while thinking of many ways to bring the truth out of him.

When he said that he likes me, my heart beat stated beating faster than normal.

There were a bunch of butterflies in my stomach that started doing some type of wild dance.

But the fact that there is one percent chance that he might really be drunk stopped all the abnormal happenings in my body.

Sure I liked to hear that from him. Who would not like their husbands saying they like them?

Its just that I would prefer him being sober when he did that.

I have to confirm my suspicion now itself. When I asked him that question he was caught off guard.

That's when he gave me the answer that cleared all my doubts.

I felt happy that he cares that much about me but the fact that he 'acted' like a drunkard didn't settle well with me.

I mean what is the need to do that?
Is he checking how I will behave?
I may not be "Sati Savitri" but I am sure I would care for my husband when he gets drunk. He need not doubt me for that.

I will show you, my handsome husband what happens when someone offends the Great Krithika!!

I didn't react for the wise answer he gave.

I simply replied -- " Honey, I will not leave you. Now relax and sleep. "

When I said those he had a relieved expression on his face before he masked it with his drunken act.

With that I pushed him onto the bed and ordered him to sleep which he obeyed.

I went to washroom to change and thought of a plan for my revenge.

I can already feel the imaginary horns growing on my head😈.

Sleep peacefully Hruday.
Because you will not have the element of peace in your life tomorrow.

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