I'll Give You Options

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His gentle kisses become aggressive as he leads me to his bedroom. He eagerly kicks open the door, holding me tightly in his arms. He lays me onto his comfortable king sized bed and swiftly takes off his hoodie revealing his toned abs. He comes back down to connect our lips once again and he softly bites on my lower lip.

His hands slip into my dress and they roam around my sensitive area, an area no one else's hands ever were. His fingers rub the insides of my thighs, shocked at how good that simple task could actually feel, I gasped.

I moan into Kane's mouth earning a groan from him. His finger circles against my region and my core begins to feel heavy. His hands come back up to my torso and slowly he unzips the back of the beautiful dress. He slips off the straps and reveals my bare breasts.

His eyes widen like saucers and my heart stops it's tracks, worried my figure was so horrendous. I quickly, softly shoved him to the side and I covered my breasts with his blue linen sheets.

"I-I'm sorry..." I shyly murmur. I try to make my way out of his room but he tugs me backwards so that I'm pressed against his mattress once again.

"Quinn don't do that," he whispers, looking deeply into my eye, "Don't hide from me." his hands are back on my thighs and he's making warm circles against my underwear. I could feel him slightly tug at the corners of the thong I currently was wearing.

"I don't ever want you to hide from me." he removes my underwear and the butterflies at my core begin to flutter once again, this time with excitement. I could feel his thumb caress my clit and I gasp in surprise. My back arches and I tug at his shoulders for balance and support.

Waves of pleasure consume me, a pleasure I have not ever felt before. A pleasure no one's ever made me feel.

His index finger slips into me and my eyes close tightly in pain. He slowly and cautiously begins to thrust his finger inwards and outwards and the pain subsides. The pain is now complete and utter pleasure.

"Kane." I moan, arching against his torso. My head rolls back and I f*cking swear my eyes almost rolled to the back of my head.

The butterflies become drums inside my core, thumping eagerly. My body begins to rock and grin against Kane's. My stomach is at it's edge, ready to explode any second now.

"Good girl, you're almost there." his thrust become faster and faster in and out of me. Cuss words and unladylike words roll off my tongue as my body leaks, reaching it's full capacity right onto Kane's finger.

"F*cking  sh*t sticks." I breathe harshly and the only thing keeping me sane is Kane's soft murmurs against my ear calming my body.

He looks me in the eyes, and I smile up at him. My eyes become heavy all the sudden and he wraps me in his covers, protectively as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

When my pulse is back to normal and my bare body is draped around Kane's sleeping body my phone rings. I pick up the call without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answer hoarsely.

"Quinn where the f*ck are you?"

"Tray- what time is it?" I check my phone screen to see it's already 10:46 and I was supposed to be there at nine. A rush of guilt submerges me.

"You know what Quinn, I don't know what is going on but I really do like you so If you're just playing with me tell me so I'll stop chasing after you-"

"No, no Tray I'm truly sorry- where are you right now?" I worriedly asked.

"At my place, why?" He answered.

"I'll be there in ten, send me the address." I hang up the call and sigh loudly against Kane's beating chest. I look up at his face and notice how peaceful he looks while he's asleep, it's adorable.

I sneak out of his room, grabbing my clothes from off the floor.


I suddenly begin to panic as I hesitantly climb up Tray's staircase up to his front door. Why did coming here to explain myself seem like such a good idea? How could I come here after what just happened? I'm a terrible person.

As I'm about to walk away and head back home the front door opens to reveal Tray in a grey hoodie and black ripped jeans.

"Come in." his harsh tone and animalistic glare indicates how pissed off I had made him for ditching him, again.

He opens the door wider, letting me walk into his apartment. He closes and locks the door behind us and I awkwardly sit down on his brown leather couch in the middle of the living space.

"I wanted to explain-" I began.

"No need." Tray grabs a glass beer bottle off the coffee table and chugs it down in one hit, then sets the now empty bottle down back onto the table.
"I know exactly why you ditched me."

"What do you mean?" I raised both brows at him, honestly confused.

He chuckles deeply, shaking his head in  amusement and says, "I called your brother. He said he left you with his roommate," he makes gestures with his hands as he spoke, "Then I thought to myself, whose his roommate? Then I realize you're just another wh*re whose fooling with Kane Adams."

I look down at my shaky, sweaty palms. "No you're wrong I wouldn't-"

"But you did, Quinn it isn't hard to connect the dots," he walks around me and bends down in front of me dominantly, "pretty soon your brother's going to know. We wouldn't want that would we now?"

"Shut up! Tray if you're really my friend you wouldn't tell Tyler." I beg, tears threatening to fall down at any minute. What have I done?

"I'll give you options, be my girlfriend and do everything I say and I won't tell your brother," he grins, demonically, down at me. I shake my head not able to speak any longer, "Or I could just tell Tyler myself." He threatened.

"Let's see how disgusted he'll be in you," he snickers, seeing the pool of tears that are now spilling out of my puffy eyes, "so what's it going to be, love?"

Edited 7/30/18

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