Chapter 57: Fake Smiles - Part II

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Sydney paces the room, biting her thumb nail, muttering different words that I can't quite make out. I think I broke her. She's in just as much shock as I am right now if not more. Whenever she does stop pacing, she looks back to Jax, shakes her head and then begins pacing again.

Jax is on his phone texting, not giving me the time of day. A girlfriend maybe? God Gabby, he can have a life... even if you don't want him to.

"What's the plan exactly? Is dad going to reopen the case? Was it ever technically closed?"

My gaze shifts away from Jax and back to Sydney, who has ended her mini-meltdown. I give her a shrug. We couldn't come up with a plan that didn't put Zo in danger.

"The case was never closed, they just aren't actively pursuing it" Jax clarifies.  "Dan never could be part of the case since he was involved, plus he's not a detective."

"Evidence?" Sydney sits on the bed beside me, sounding hopeful.

His head shakes no. "Footprints and a piece of green felt, according to Dan. It rained that entire week. Everything washed away."

They begin going back and forth about different types of evidence, the letters my dad receives every year, etc. I tune them both out. My eyes are on Jax's chest. He has more tattoos than he did when he left. My focus is on one, just one. It's about the size of a large walnut, and placed over his heart, a stack of old tattered books, the top one lying open with the word Books in cursive. My heart skips a beat at the sight of it. He has something that personal but he can't even acknowledge that I'm here? The girl he loved is sitting right here on his bed and we aren't even going to talk about this? I wonder what the new girl thinks of that... God Gabby, you don't know there's a new girl. You're getting married. Let him go.

"Your dad will be over here in about ten minutes."

I leave my daydream and furrow my brows at Jax. "Is that who you've been texting? What are you two like BFFs now?! I thought you two didn't talk!"

"I'm not privy of knowledge of what to do when someone is trying to kill me, Gabby! But I thought he should know that Sydney is now involved. Just warning you, he's pissed."

"He'll get over it" Sydney and I both say in unison with a roll of two sets of eyes. I stand from his bed and lean against his desk, taking in the disheveled room.

Jax chuckles at the two of us and finally he turns and meets my eyes.  Heat flushes my face and my stomach begins doing flip-flops. His eyes leave mine only briefly as they scan me.  As if he's finally noticed that the girl whose nickname is tattooed on his chest is actually here in the same room.  It's as if he's checking me out for the first time ever, suddenly I'm extremely happy on my dress choice tonight.  His eyes crease with his smile when he sees my shoes, returning his eyes to mine.  I miss those green eyes.  But just as quick as I have his attention again, his head shakes to shake those thoughts away.  His smile disappears and he turns away.  "I'm going to go wait for your dad and try and calm him down before he gets in this room."  He walks out leaving me and Sydney.

"Gabby... what are you going to do?"

I bury my face into my hands and take a few deep breaths, trying to get my head right.  "Marry Kane." I put my hands back in my lap.

Sydney frowns like that wasn't what she wanted to hear.  She shifts uncomfortably and smooths out her short blue dress. "But Gabby, it's Jax... that's Zo's dad.  There will never be another Jax, you cannot tell me that you aren't having doubts right now about marrying Kane.  I know you love Kane and he loves you.  But you need to be sure before you walk down that aisle."

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