Chapter 21 - Mr.Drunky

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Ashley's POV

When I passed by the study room, I heard loud voices. The door was ajar. Blaze and his father were fighting.

"I told you to pull yourself together, but you didn't listen to me. Another fault and I will disinherit you!" His father warned him.

"Do what the hell you want!" Blaze hissed and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

I caught off by guard; I hadn't managed to leave before he left the study room.

When he saw me, he gave me a cold glare. He looked so angry.

Suddenly, I noticed a bandage around his hand.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked anxiously, trying to hold his hand.

He pulled his hand away. "Don't touch me!" He hissed and left, bumping into my shoulder.

I watched his leave sadly,placing my hand on my bump, thinking about what Kelly had said about Blaze. I breathed deeply and went to the bedroom.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was Kelly.

'Did you see the news on the Internet?'

'What news?'

She sent me a link to the news. When I read the news, I was in shock.

Oh my Goodness!

I sat down on the bed; my legs were trembling.

Blaze got into a fight with the paparazzi last night. It was my fault. My eyes filled with tears. I leaned against a pillow, pulling my legs against my stomach as I leaned my head on my knees, crying.

When I opened my eyes, it was noon. I had fallen asleep. I got up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face. My eyes were red from crying.

Suddenly, I felt a slight pain in my stomach. I placed my hand on my stomach, gripping the edge of the sink counter.

"Aspen, don't make me worry, my baby." I murmured anxiously.

A few seconds later, it passed. I left the bathroom and went downstairs.

I saw Patricia in the living room. She was looking at the photos in the photo album. When she noticed me, she smiled at me.

"Come here, dear. I was looking at boys' childhood photos." She said, smiling.

I gave her a smile and walked towards her. I sat beside her on the couch. She started to show me the photos.

"Look, it is James's first day in a nursery school. He was a mature child. He didn't look like Blaze." She smiled as she added. "Blaze was so naughty. A real troublemaker. All his teachers had complained about him. But when he looked at us with puppy eyes, we couldn't stay angry at him."

I smiled as I looked at his childhood photo. His whole face was in cream while he was grinning, his green eyes were glowing.

"It is from his 5th birthday. When he was chasing James, he fell down onto the cake." She told, laughing.

I smiled, looking at the photo. Suddenly, I felt sad; I missed his happy smile. I nibbled my lower lip as my eyes welled up.

"If his children take after him, then we need so much patience." She added, looking at the photo, smiling.

After this, I couldn't hold my tears back. I stood up quickly and rushed to the bathroom, crying. Patricia called me,worried.

I locked the door behind me as soon as I walked into the bathroom. I leaned against the wall, crying.

What is going on with me? Ugh! These hormones. I had been being oversensitive the last few weeks.

"Dear, are you okay?" Patricia asked behind the door.

I tried to pull myself together. I replied as I wiped my tears off my cheek. "Yes, I am." I replied.

After washing my face, I walked out. Patricia was waiting for me. She looked at me in worry. As I walked out, she hugged me, stroking my back.

"Is it because of your parents? James told us that they haven't approved your marriage." She said; I didn't say anything.

"Sorry. I think I need to rest." I said as I pulled back; she nodded, giving me a warm smile.


When I walked out of the bathroom, James was packing his suitcase.

"Good evening." I greeted him, looking at his suitcase.

"Good evening. How do you feel?" He asked as he stopped packing.

"Fine, thank you."

"I am going to England tonight. I have a meeting there." He informed.

He packed his suitcase and put it on the floor. "If you need something, don't hesitate to call me." He stated. I nodded.

"Take care!" I said. He gave me a warm smile and left.

I was tossing and turning in the bed. I couldn't fall asleep. Blaze didn't come back. I was worried about him. He looked so angry today.

I decided to get up. I went to the kitchen and drank some water. I went to the living room afterwards. I sat down on the couch, waiting for Blaze.

 I sat down on the couch, waiting for Blaze

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I woke up to noises. I had fallen asleep on the couch. I stood up quickly. It was Blaze. He was barely standing on his feet.

I approached him trying to help him. When he saw me, he smiled at me sheepishly.

"Aww, my beautiful Ashley." He mumbled, grinning.

I couldn't hold my smile. He was so cute. I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Let me help you. You are barely standing on your feet."

He leaned his head against mine without saying anything, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"You smell divine." He whispered in my ear as he moved his lips on my neck.

"Blaze." I warned him, trying to pull away.

He breathed deeply. "Why don't you love me?" He asked sadly, looking into my eyes.

"Blaze, I...."

"Blaze! Are you drunk again?!" Patricia snapped, interrupting me as she walked towards us.

"Mom, I am not drunk." He said, trying to stand without my help, but I caught him by his waist as he lost his balance. He smiled at me as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his chest.

"You always got my back." He mumbled, grinning.

I looked at Patricia, embarrassed.

Please, stop, Blaze before she will understand.

"Let me help you too." Patricia sighed and held his hand over her shoulder.

"My angels." Blaze mumbled, grinning sheepishly and leaned his head against mine, smiling at me.

We helped him to go to his room. Patricia pulled his hand away to help him to lie down on his bed.

Suddenly, he fell down onto the bed, dragging me with him. I fell down onto his chest. He grinned and wrapped his arms around me, holding me in his embrace tightly.

"Don't leave me again." He muttered.

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