Chapter 2: New Friends

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Samantha's POV

As we were getting nearer and nearer to the school, nervousness and excitement took over me.

Nervous because, I'm not that good with meeting new people and excited...

Well, because you can say that it was the best day of my life. And it was biggest change in my life.

My hands were trembling, one of my when I'm nervous. Suddenly, a hand was over mine.

My brother Dylan always calms me down, he's only guy I feel free with.

"Relax sis, it's going to be alright. No need to be nervous." Dylan comforted me giving a warm smile still driving.

Returning him a small smile, "I know, it's just that, I'm not used it and I'm not good with new people also it's my first experience with a lot of strangers".

Dylan chuckled and I glared at him. Further he said,"Just relax, take deep breaths before speaking to someone okay?".

I nodded my head. Two minutes later, we were in front of Lakewood High.

Taking a deep breath, I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car.

Everyone started whispering and stared at my direction. Great! This is what I wanted now!"

Dylan came towards me and said smiling,"Go inside and show them, your not afraid of anyone okay?".

I nod my head and give him a warm smile.He kissed my forehead, bid me goodbye and returned to his car.

I stared at his car until it disappeared. Again taking a deep breath, I got inside the school building.

The moment I stepped into the halls, I was again greeted by a bunch of stares and whispers. Come on Sam, you can do this!

Ignoring them, I walked down the hall to the office to get my schedule and locker number.

As I entered the office,I saw a middle aged lady looking through some papers. First task completed, now second task.

After two minutes of just staring at her and thinking what to say to her, pathetic I know. I got the courage to speak to her.

"Umm..E-Excuse me, I'm n-new h-here. C-Can y-you gave me m-my s-schedule and l-locker number? My n-name is S-Samantha Miller and I'm a Senior".

Why the hell did I stuttered? Damn! Calm down Samantha.

She looks up, nodded her head and got a file from her left side, where there were other bunch of files also.

She took a paper from it and handed over to me without giving me a single glance. Whoah!! rude much??

I took it and said a quick thank you and got out from the office, second task completed.

My locker number was 55,then I saw my schedule and it was like:-
1st English-Room 101  (Yay!)
2nd History-Room 94
3rd Art-Room 102       (I love art class!)
4th Calculus-Room 86
5th Chemistry -Room 85
6th Physical Education-Gymnasium
7th Biology-Room 84

Hmm, It was a good schedule an-shit! How the hell I'm supposed to know where is room 101?

I saw the time, it was 7:42 and class starts in 8minutes. I looked around and saw everyone was in a hurry.

Suddenly, I saw a room and it was room 91. That means, room 101 was in first floor.

I pushed myself pass the crowd, climbed up the stairs real fast.What? I'm good at athletics. You didn't knew? But, now you did.

I got room 101 and stepped inside the class, And again the staring started.

I was looking for a empty seat and got to seats near a girl, who was busy with her phone and decide to took a seat towards her left which was a window seat.

I went near her, taking a deep breath, "Hey! Is this seat taken?" I asked gesturing to her left.Here goes nothing.

She looked up to me and I saw the full view of her face. She was really pretty with brownish eyes, her skin was glowing with minimal amount of make up and her hair was strawberry blonde color.

She smiled at me and I knew that it was a genuine smile. "Yeah, sure". She said.

"Thank you", I said before returning the same smile and sat on the chair.

"No problem. So, your the new student right?" she said and again I got nervous.

"Umm.. Yeah, how did you know that?" What? That was so lame of me!

"Oh! Everyone is talking about you. I mean it's been many years since a new student came to Lakewood High".

"Ohh..."I got really shocked and nervous when she said everyone is talking about me. That was close, Phew!

"By the way, I'm Emily, Emily Lockwood." She said and extended her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Samantha Miller, nice to meet you, Emily."

"Nice to meet you too, Samantha." She said smiling and returned to her phone as if she was very busy texting someone important.

I wanted to ask her who sat beside her right side so, I started "Hey, Emily" she turned to look at me.

"Yeah?" she asked. "I just wanted to ask yo-suddenly I was interrupted by a high pitch voice of a girl.

"I made it! I made it!!" a girl with brown hair came running to the class and plop down to the seat on the right side of Emily. Guess, she sits beside Emily.

Everyone started laughing at her but she didn't care.

Suddenly Emily smacked her head and said, "Bitch!! Where the hell were you? I was worried sick for you and why were you not answering my calls and texts??!!".

The brunette girl then said, "Chill, woman! Why so violent? I was running late and my phone died down, I'm sorry okay?"

Emily glared at her but decided to shrug it off by saying a "Okay".

Emily then turned to me and said, "Well, as you can see, this mad girl here is my best friend Jessica. Jessica meet Samantha".

We both smiled at each other, and she was equally pretty as Emily. "Hello,Samantha, I'm Jessica Collins but you can call me Jess".

"I'm Samantha Miller". She nodded her head smiling.

"Well, Samantha since you are new here, why don't we show you around the school during going to next class and lunch. What do you say?" Emily asked smiling.

I got really excited about it, but before I can answer her, suddenly the school bell went off and the teacher came.

When everyone was settled down,I turned to Emily who was already looking at me.

"Okay it will be great".I said smiling.

Emily and Jessica squealed like five year old who just go a candy and the teacher who was writing something on a file shushed them.

I chuckled lightly because of their excitement and turned my attention to the teacher who was now writing in the black board now.

Guess, I have just made two new friends.Third task also completed.

Hey Peeps!!
This was a long chapter but it was necessary.How did you like the character of Emily and Jessica?
Till then please vote and comment :)


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