The Rats Strike Back

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I'm sorry for the late update. I really don't have an excuse other than I'm lazy. But, I've been working on my other book on this site, followed by my other stories on FanFiction. Enjoy the chapter!

It had been about a week since I was kidnapped, got shot, and almost died. Well, technically I did die, but it was only for two minutes. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I died. It honestly freaked me out. And since I didn't want to be alone for the first few nights after I was released from the hospital, Mr. Davenport allowed Chase to stay in my room. If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep.

Other than the fact that my arm was in a sling and my shoulder was bandaged, I was okay. I mean my shoulder still hurt, but I was okay. Physically, anyway. Mentally, not so much. I had moments where I would see my father from the corner of my eye, but once I turned to face him, he was gone. I was hallucinating and I didn't like it. No one knew what was going on and I didn't want to tell anyone. I had caused enough problems.

Mr. Davenport, Leo, and I were down in the lab waiting for Adam, Bree, and Chase to return from their mission. I had to practically beg Chase to go because he didn't want to leave me. I had to assure him that I was fine and nothing would happen to me before he finally agreed.

When the lab doors slid open, Adam, Bree, and Chase walked in looking extremely tired. Davenport smiled and clapped his hands. "Another successful mission. Sure you guys blew a lot of stuff up, but, hey, that's the city's problem now."

The three bionics collapsed around the cyber desk. "Ugh," Bree groaned. "I can't wait to just stand up and go to sleep."

"Well, you guys get your rest. My big NASA presentation is this week and we still need to complete training on my gravity compulsion belt." Davenport said.

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it does a lot more than hold up my pants." Leo said, grinning.

"This is a huge contract. If NASA buys this, astronauts will be able to space walk anywhere in the galaxy. They'll probably name a moon or planet after me! Things are gonna land on me!" Davenport laughed. "I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning."

"Wait, tomorrow?" Leo asked. "No, no, that's not gonna work. I planned an awesome cyber pong tournament. I made nicknames and everything. I'm King Pong."

"And tomorrow's the Teen Fiance marathon on TV." Bree said. "And I didn't think it was possible, but I actually found a group of people who's lives are more pathetic than mine."

"Yeah, and I was gonna have a spa day." Adam said. "According to one of Bree's girly magazines, I have cankles."

"And I was gonna get a head start on my homework." Chase said. Everyone stared at him. "I mean, play sports and talk to girls."

"That was a stupid answer." Leo told him.

Chase's eyes widened and he looked at me. "I didn't mean girls." He rushed.

Adam laughed. "I think Alex is the only girl you only talk to, anyway."

Chase slapped him. "Forget everything I said." He told me. All I did was nod and roll my shoulder a bit. I didn't care about what Chase said because I was too busy focusing on the pain in my shoulder. The pain killers I had taken before were starting to wear off.

"Alright, look. None of that is happening. This stuff is important." Davenport said.

"What makes your stuff more important than ours?" Bree asked.

"Uh, cause my stuff can make a billion dollars," Davenport said. "Yeah, so when you're the boss, you can make the rules, but until then," He started walking backwards towards the lab doors. "I am the king of Davenportia and you will all do my bidding! Ha ha ha!" The doors closed while he was standing there, causing him to yell out in pain. "Oh, ow!" He finally got himself out of the situation and walked away.

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