Chapter 7

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This chapter is going to be a flash back. So instesd of third person pov, its going to be Baylee and Jacobs pov. So don't get confused.

Baylee pov.

"Just think. I a month and a half we will have a sweet baby here." Jacob said as he kissed my very pregnant belly. "My handsome son, or gorgeous girl."

"Its crazy." I mumble. "It feels like just yesterday I was making you drive me to the store to buy a pregnancy test. Now we are just about six weeks away from having our baby in our arms."

"I'm so happy Bay. You have made me the happiest man alive by making me a husband and a father. Thank you for choosing me." Jacob says as he kissed my lips.

I smile at him. "I'm glad I chose you too." He was my imprint. My true love.

"I know I can't give you everything that you want. But I love you Baylee. When I hold you, I hold the world." Jacob says as he wrapped my arms around me and my big pregnant belly.

"I love you Jake." I whisper. I laid in Jake's arms in silence. We just enjoyed each other. Finally my stomach growled causing us to both laugh.

"I think Baby Black is hungry. I'm going to go start dinner." Jake said as he stood up.

"I'm going to go get in the shower." I tell him.

I smile as I look in the mirror. Or perfect son or daughter would be here soon. Jake and I wanted to wait to find out the gender. But we already had names picked out.

If its a boy: Spencer Jacob. After my brother and my husband.
If its a girl: Lillete Marie. Just because we liked how elegant that sounded.

I quickly shower. I was exhausted and couldn't wait to just lay on the couch and relax with Jake. I was almost done with the blanket I was making for my sweet son or daughter, Sue Clearwater had been teaching me. I was so excited to see the end result. It was a blanket with a wolf on it.

I stepped out of the shower, Completly unaware of the small puddle that had formed on the floor next to the bathtub. What happened next was a complete blur, as I slipped and landed on the floor. I felt one hard kick in my stomach. Then nothing.
Something was wrong.

"Jacob!" I screamed. "Jacob!" I screamed again as a small sob escaped my throat.

Jake ran into the bathroom, a look of panic in his eyes. "Baylee, whats wrong?" He asks as he sees me.

"Somethings wrong." I told him tears streaming down my face. "We gotta go. Somethings wrong with the baby."

"Its going to be ok." I could tell Jake was panicking, but he was trying to remain calm for me. Jake quickly scooped me up off the floor and carried me to our room, where he helped me get dress. "Lets go." Jake whispered as he carried me to the car.  I couldn't help but sob as I ran a hand of my stomach. Tears streamed down my face mercilessly. "Its going to he ok Bay. Lets get you checked out."

I didn't believe him. Jake didnt feel what I had felt. Jake reached over and took my hand. "Breath Baylee. We will get this figrued out."

I felt Completly numb as the nurse checked us in, and Jake told her what had happened. She was an older lady. And I expected her to look at me disapprovingly since I was so young and having a baby. But instead this older lady looked at my with love and sympathy.  She could sense my pain and sorrow. "Its ok dear. Lets go get you a room, and call in your doctor." She said sweetly.

I laid on the bed, as Jake sat by me, holding my hand. He called the pack first, and told them what had happened and where we were. He then called Billy, his father. Then my parents. A small sob escaped my lips again as I thought about what is yet to come. Jake looked over at me. He then gently kissed my lips. "I'm here Baylee, its ok." He whispered sweetly.

The doctor came in later that night. That's when he induced me. I laid in pain for sixteen hours as my body was in labor trying to deliver my baby.

It was 11 am when I saw my sweet baby girl for the first time. The nurse looked at me sadly. "I'm so sorry." She whispered.

My baby was dead.

Jake pov

I watched as my wife crumbled as she saw a precious baby girl lay there unresponsive. I could tell right away that our daughter had passed away. Her skin was an odd shade of purple from the lack of oxygen. Baylee let out a sob that broke my heart.

"Dr. Smith, may I speak to you out in the hall?" I asked him. The doctor followed me out to the hall. "Is there anything you can do? Please." I whisper as tears come into my eyes.

The doctor looked at me sadly. "I'm so sorry Mr. Black. But the impact from your wife's fall cause brain damage. And not only that, but the umbilical cord had been pinched, cutting off the oxygen supply. Your daughter would have been born dead any way. We can't do anything." I could feel my body start to shake as he told me this. "We have counselors set up for things like this. We can get you and your wife a session."

I couldnt answer the doctor. I felt like my world had just shattered. Now matter what, our daughter would have been born dead anyway.

I walked back into the room, to find my sobbing wife, as she held our daughter. I sat besides her on the small hospital bed. As I looked at our small daughter, I noticed that she looked a lot like me, with some of her mothers features as well. But she was absolutely beautiful. "I'm so sorry." Baylee sobbed as she stared at our sweet baby.

I gently kissed my daughters head. "I love you Lillete Marie. Till we meet again." I then gently wrapped my arms around my sweet heartbroken wife. I had to remain strong for her. All though I wanted to break, I knew I had to be strong for Baylee. I kissed her head as well. "We will get through this Baylee. I promise. I love you so much."

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