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In the winter of my seventeenth year, I met someone special.

The way we met was musical. Literally.

I remember I had been humming at the time. I didn't even know what I was humming, really. It seemed to be something I did quite often. Just singing random tunes that I made up in my head in that instant.

Anyway, I guess someone heard me because they whistled. It wasn't the cheap wolf-whistle that guys did. Instead, it was low, almost appreciative-sounding. I turned around.

Before me stood a blonde guy, with shiny green eyes. He had a well-defined face with a jawline. Pretty handsome, really. I recognized him, as he had some classes with me.

Hmm... what was his name, again?

"Wow. Which song was that?"

Name... I really need a name......

"Um, oh. It wasn't any song. Just a random tune. Just... me being me," I laughed nervously.

"I didn't know you were interested in music, Chase. Because it's a pretty well-known fact that you don't even know who the Beatles ar—"

"I know who the Beatles are," I scowled at him, "I don't live under a rock, you know."

Oh come on now, His name.... uhhhhhh......

"But you don't listen to their songs. It's a pity really. With that voice, you could have done something in music," He said, putting his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. I stared at him, and he stared back.

Oh wait, I think I've got it!

"You don't remember my name, do you?" He said, with a boyish smile.

"Of course I do, Alex! Have a little faith in my brainpower and the number of classes we both are assigned to."

Three, to be exact. The boy was in three of my classes and I didn't know his name. I should really start paying attention to my surroundings. 

He continued smiling. I guess it was contagious because soon, I was smiling too – albeit confusedly. He slowly, but surely walked towards me. His hands were still in his pockets. I just stood where I stood. I had nothing in my hand, except for my artbook and a blue-green shoulder bag (with a lot of badges) slung around me.

"So," He said.

"So," I repeated.

"My name is unfortunately not Alex." His voice was playful.


"Oh. Um. Well... uh..." I said, a little guilt rising in my heart, "Sorry?"

He chuckled. "Well, I'm really hurt, you know. I remembered your name. But you didn't remember mine. So, how are you gonna compensate for this grave mistake?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Oh shut up. You just know my family name."

"It's Harper. Your name is Harper Chase."

I stared at his green eyes. And he stared at my blue ones.

"Nevermind then," I bit my lips. He was being really flirtatious.

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