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Bella had gone insane

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Bella had gone insane.

Sure, she was getting out of the house now, but ever since she went out shopping with Jessica she had been acting strange. Before Edward left, Bella would refuse to watch any movie other than romantic comedies, but here she was - asking her whole lunch table to go see Face Punch with her.

Angela and Eric immediately agreed, happy that they would be able to go out with the antisocial brunette again.

Jessica hesitated before agreeing.

And Mike? Well Mike was all too happy to be invited to see a movie with the girl he had been crushing on since she moved to Forks.

All eyes then turned to Florence, wondering her answer to Bella's surprising question, "Uh - sure. Why the hell not?"

But it didn't exactly surprise Florence when that the following night, the only two people that actually showed up to see the movie were Mike and herself.

"Jessica bailed -"

"Shocker there," Florence interrupted Bella.

"- and Angela has the stomach flu, so Eric is taking care of her."

Just then, a tall, muscular boy - no older than sixteen in the face - stepped out of the shadows, greeting Bella with a friendly hug. 

While Bella went to purchase the group's tickets, the boy introduced himself as Jacob before Mike engaged him in, what was supposed to be, an intimidating conversation, "Hey, Jacob - is it? Are you even old enough to see this movie? I mean, without adult supervision?"

"I mean, she's buying my ticket so -" Jacob awkwardly nodded towards the ticket booth where Bella was purchasing three tickets - one for herself, one for Jacob, and one for Florence.

"O - Oh, she's purchasing your ticket? Ok," Mike stated, a hint of jealousy laced in his voice.

"Alright," Bella pranced over with the tickets, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Jacob responded, trying his best to seem approachable to Bella.

Florence could totally tell that Jacob cared about Bella as more than just a friend, but she thought that that might be what's best for her at the moment. 

The group of four walked into the dark theater, taking their assigned seats on the fifth row labeled row E before taking their seats. Bella was wedged between Jacob and Florence while Mike had gotten stuck sitting to the right of Jake. 

The movie was, so far, the most tasteless movie Florence had ever seen. The scenes went in the same exact cycle: blood, gore, cussing, blood, gore, cussing, repeat. 

"Put both of your guns down or I'm going to blow both of your freaking heads off!"

The dramatic line resonated as it left the protagonist's mouth as a gun shot rang out throughout the theater, blood splattered onto the screen before Mike stepped past all three of his peers, "Oh, I think I'm going to throw up."

The trio followed the abnormally pale boy out of the theater and stepped into the grungy hallway. 

Florence's feet skidded to a halt on the outdated 80's-esque carpet that was matted down from repeated buttery popcorn spills as she overheard Jacob and Bella's conversation from around the corner, "Jesus. What a marshmallow. You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach."

Bella laughed as Florence mentally rolled her eyes and Jacob continued, feeling encouraged by her chuckle, "You know, someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit."

Bella nodded, "Yeah, I'll keep my eyes open for that."

An awkward silence ensued before Bella voiced her thoughts on the subject, "I feel bad. I think he has the flu that's been -"

Jacob intertwined his hand with Bella's left one, "going around."

"What?" Jacob began, "I can't hold your hand?"

"No," Bella clarified, "Of course you can, I just think it means something really different to you."

"Jake please don't do this," Bella continued, "You are about to ruin everything. And I need you."

"I have time. I'm not going to stop trying."

"And I don't want you to stop, but not because I want you. It's for selfish reasons. I'm not just some car you can fix up, alright? I'm never going to run right. Not without him."

Florence cringed, knowing that what was about to happen was not going to be pretty. 

Jacob stood up in a frenzy, "Woah, Jake, are you okay? You feel like really hot."

"I have to go," Jacob deadpanned, hurrying out of the theater in embarrassment.

Florence chose then to appear from around the corner. She saw the broken look on Bella's face, and she sat down on the stairs next to her in silence. Embracing Bella from the side, she allowed Bella to feel comfort without her feeling like she had to explain herself or talk about her feelings - two things she definitely did not want to do.

After about ten minutes had passed and Mike was still puking in the bathroom, Florence turned to Bella, "I think it's time to go, yeah?"

"Yeah," Bella agreed leading herself out of the theater's double doors and trudging to her orange pick up truck.

Florence hopped into the passenger's side as Bella twisted the key in the ignition, the engine roaring to life. 

As Bella pulled out of the theater's parking lot, Florence's phone began ringing with an unsaved number popping up on the screen.

Curious, Florence slid the green phone icon to answer the phone.

Placing it to her ear, she heard a familiar euphonious voice speak from the opposing side, "Mom?"


"I'm, I'm coming home."

Florence's phone fell out of her hand in shock, and as it fell to the floor of the rusted truck, she wondered one thing - what in the hell was she going to tell Jasper?


[Word Count - 925]

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