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Chapter 5.

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The things that keep us alive.

Our hearts pumping the blood throughout our bodies so that we can do things, like stand up and walk towards doors even when in our minds we are freaking the fuck out.

Daimon is here.

In Georgia.

I can't wrap my mind around it.

I've just found Cathy and she's enlightened me about the mother I never knew who now has a name in my brain. I've just laid to rest my ghosts. I've said goodbye to Tiffany and Dylan the right way. I'm ready to move forward with my life and though I was just on my way back to Kansas and to the Krossway and essentially to him, now I'm scared shitless.

It was on my terms when I was going back to him, but now he's here, on the other side of this two inches of wood. Nothing but a door separates us but I can't move another inch.

What if he's here to dump me in person?

What if he's here to tell me he still wants me?

What if he's only here to yell at me for running away?

I could sit and drown myself in what ifs for a lifetime, or I could open the door and face the truth.

Come on dumbass arms, open the damn door!

I swallow hard, trying to gain my composure as my own heartbeat batters my chest and makes me breathe way too fast.

"Please let me in, doll," he whispers and his voice is like curling up in a fuzzy blanket at the end of a long cold day. It reaches deep into my bones and gives me the feeling of wholeness that just a simple voice shouldn't have the power to do.

My hands shake and my head is screaming as I turn the lock and slowly pull the door open.

He sighs as his amber eyes meet mine.

"Hi," I say, my voice weird.

His eyes search between mine. "Hi," he says back.

I'm so nervous it doesn't make sense. I'm not the nervous nelly kind. I'm usually pretty prepared for anything, but this...Daimon here...I don't know what to do and we stall in an awkward silence.

"Why are you here?" I finally ask.

His Adam's apple bobs as he stands straighter, tucking his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. "Because you left."

"I did." I nod and the wind blows and I'm wrapped in his scent; it should be heaven, but it scares me. What if I'm never wrapped in that scent again?

"I've told you before I don't like it when you leave."

I hear Cathy moving back out of her bedroom and then stall at the top of the stairs. "Oh," she says and I half turn to her, afraid if I take my eyes off Daimon he might vanish into nothing. "You must be Daimon."

Daimon shuffles on the porch but smiles up at her as she walks down to meet us. "Yes ma'am." He nods. "I haven't had the pleasure." He holds out his hand to her and I practically choke on my spit.

Who the fuck knew that Daimon knew how to be polite?

"I'm Cathy." She shakes his hand, not looking intimidated by him in the slightest. "I've heard a lot about you."

"You have?" He raises a brow, turning to look at me. "I wish I could say the same."

I bite into my bottom lip as we all stand there at the door.

Fatal Contingencies (Book 2, the Fatal Trilogy Series)Where stories live. Discover now