Chapter 29

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"Yeah, I'm the one to blame for this mess. I deserve this."

I took a deep breath when I was just outside the doors to the school, continuing to slowly walk home while being lost in my thoughts.

Why'd you snap like that? Everyone was there. Everyone saw you. Everyone was whispering about you. Everyone hates y-

I closed the door slowly before walking over to the couch. I then laid down, burying my head in the pillow in front of me while closing my eyes. It didn't take long before I began to loose consciousness. But you can't really blame me, listening to those god damn voices all day is exhausting.

Kyle's POV

I nodded my head, letting out a small "Thank you" as I grabbed the bag filled with food. "Thank you for buying our shitty food!" I nodded again, smirking slightly before exiting the store. My smile then faded as I thought back at what he said. It made me think of-

I pushed the thought aside as I reached my house. I opened the door, sighing lightly. I then took of my jacket before walking into the kitchen, putting the bag of food on the table before walking out to the hallway once again. "(Y/n)!" I yelled when I was standing in front of the first step to the stairs. Normally with the relationship we both share now I wouldn't have asked her to eat with me. But her mom asked me if we could Skype her while we were eating so I really don't have a choice. "(Y/n), we're going to e-"

I was cut if by a small humm coming from the couch. I then walked over to it, feeling my heart sink slightly as I saw (Y/n) sleeping with such a peaceful looking expression on her face. I then began reaching out to her, about to shake her slightly. But I stopped as the peaceful expression faded, turning into a frown filled with panic. "P...lea-se" I raised my eyebrows, looking at her as tears started streaming down her cheeks. "D-Don't."

I then reached out again, actually shaking her this time. "(Y/n), wake up." Her eyes then shot open, staring right at me. "K-Kyle?" She then looked down, wiping the tears of her cheeks. "W-What is it?" I sighed slightly before nodding my head towards the kitchen. "Your mom wanted to skype with us so we'll have to eat together." I then swallowed slightly before taking a deep breath. I just couldn't stand looking at her. "O-Oh. Okay." We both then made out way into the kitchen, unpacking the food before getting my Ipad, calling her mom on skype.

"Hello?" The voice of her mom was heard on the other line as the picture froze slightly. "Hi? Mom?" (Y/n) called out with her soft voice. I looked away, crossing my arms as she talked to her mom. I regret doing this, I should've just told her mom I had homework to do. Then I wouldn't have had to sit here, listening to-

"-And how is Kyle?" I looked back at the Ipad as I heard my name. "Now you looked back huh?" Her mom laughed slightly, closing her (E/c) eyes. "Ah- I'm good." I said quickly before gazing over at (Y/n). She was smiling slightly with a strand of her (h/c) hair hanging over her left eye slightly. "Oh- (Y/n). I haven't been able to reach you on your phone lately. Why's that?" I looked at (Y/n)'s mom before looking back at (Y/n). Why hasn't she been answering her phone when her mom's been calling.

"O-Oh that... It's just that I... My phone's dead." She said before scratching her neck, obviously lying. "For the past two days?" I sighed slightly, why's she behaving like this? "Y-Yeah, my charger's broken and I haven't had any time to go to the store..." She looked down, nodding as if convincing herself that it was true. "(Y/n), are you sure? You know you can talk to me and your dad, right? We'll believe you this ti-" "It's true. She asked to borrow my charger but it's not the same. They change the charger all the time." I shook my head slightly before looking over at (Y/n). She seemed uncomfortable by the way this conversation was heading so I decided to step in.

"Okay then..." (Y/n) then looked at me with slightly wide, confused eyes. I decided to flash her a quick smile, causing her tense form to relax slightly. I just couldn't stand seeing her in that-

"Anyways, have you done anything together recently?" I swallowed before looking towards the Ipad. I really don't like where this is going. "I reckon there was this arcade... What was it's name?" I looked down, closing my eyes in hope of not remembering that ni- "Oh right, Whistlin' Wi-"

"I'm sorry but I have something to do." I swallowed slightly before standing up, walking out from the kitchen. I don't know what got into me but I just can't stand any words about that arcade nor that night. "B-Bye!" Her voice was heard in the kitchen, followed by footsteps.

"H-Hey Kyle! W-Wait u-" I turned around, looking at (Y/n) as she approached. "Why'd you leave so quickly? We haven't even touched the foo-" She reaches out for me, causing me to step away. "Please don't." It hurt. It hurt so much to just look at her. Her eyes widen slightly at my words as she tilted her head. "B-But you went along w-with that lie... And you smiled at me when we looked at e-each other- So I thought-"

I closed my eyes, sighing. "It was just because your mom was there." I swallowed, reopening my eyes to see (Y/n)'s slightly shaking body. "It doesn't change the fact that you lied to me about Craig. You let me think that I had a chance with you." She looked up at me with teary eyes and a small smile. "B-But I really do like you." The words exiting her mouth caused my eyes to widen, and my heart to race. "I really do like you Kyle. You're all I have left. Craig left me an-" I looked down, nodding.

"So that's why you said that." I looked up, meeting a pair of teary eyes. "W-What?" "You're just saying that you like me because Craig broke up with you. You don't even mean anything of what you just said, do you?" I looked away from her, sighing. I really can't take this. Why's she doing this to me? Saying and doing stuff to get my hopes up, only for her to crush it by lying.

I... I just can't.

Your POV

"You're just saying that you like me because Craig broke up with you. You don't even mean anything of what you just said, do you?" I shook my head as tears streamed down my face. "N-No Kyle. It's not true." I looked down, crying even harder.

Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him.

"I've liked you all along. I was confused when I accepted Craig's offer about going out with him. I was hurt and broken because Bebe did stuff. She hurt me and she said that if I went out with you she'd-" I looked up, only for my heart to sink. Kyle had left. He wasn't there anymore.

I told you not to tell him.

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